Thursday 2/9

Hang out link

Communication Page



Religious Education

RE - Te Atua

WALT: recall the story of Abraham and Sarah

  • Copy the slides

  • Watch the videos

  • Answer the questions on the third slide

  • Post your shape creations with an explanation on your blog

R1 L2 God - 2021 Year 5-6


Recipes for the zoo!

WALT: respond to text, following format and genre

Time to convince others. Just saying if you think zoos should be banned or not is not enough. Create a visual representation of your argument.


  • Use the choice board to find ideas how you would like to present

  • Present your argument in a format you are proud of

  • Take your time

Read to me

  • Time to fill in Thursday!

  • Listen to my reading - Trick or treat time

  • Crash and burn experience

diary of a wimp 4 - trick or treat.webm


Thursday Room 1/2 Daily Writing Week 2

Te Reo writing

WALT: use Te Reo in our writing

  • Check out the Thursday Challenge

  • Describe the monster using Te Reo

  • POST!

  • Make sure you have:

  • Title

  • DLO

  • Reflection

  • Sources

  • WALT

  • What you have done


WALT: write our letters the correct size

Write the following text the take a photo - add it to the check in sheet

Quality Blog Post

  1. Title - Make it catchy so people click on it.

  2. Introduction-The first thing you write that makes people want to read more.

  3. DLO - Digital learning object.

  4. Reflection - looking back at what you have done.

  5. Sources - Putting images or videos on your blog post.

  6. Question - asking others what you want to know.



WALT: Work from home!

Last day of this weeks strategy. Ho did you find it this week? Reflect on your work and understanding on the check in sheet.

Work through your Thursday tasks. Remember you can check out other groups if you finish early!


This week we have made our own forms. today we will be analysing the results. Take a screen shot of your graph and post it. Explain what the results mean.

e.g. - 73 percent of the class are looking forward to get back and see their friends.