Learning From Home

Week 4 Wednesday - Friday

Yesterday (Tuesday). we had the amazing Emma Twigg visit our school.

You have already made a great start with some learning around Emma and her journey to being an inspirational woman and an Olympic gold medalist.

This week for literacy we would like you to use the information you already have (or complete some more research if needed ) and create a presentation. Google Slides is not an option for your presentation as we want to encourage you to use a variety of tools.

You may choose from Canva, Scratch, Bite able or Stop motion.

We would like you to include

  • Personal facts about Emma (when she was born, who is in her family, where she lives etc)

  • Professional facts about Emma (her journey in sport and her achievements)

  • What her messages are (include at least 3 inspirational messages from Emma)

The links below will show you the movie that we played Emma at our assembly as well as Emmas presentation to us. You will also see Anna's amazing Biteable presentation.

my-spectacular-video (1).mp4


Biteable example