Adding Course Activities

Creating Moodle Books

While it is very easy to upload course materials such as word-processed documents, it can be more helpful to learners if they are added directly to Moodle as a Page or Book resource. Benefits for using a Page or a Book is that it does not matter if the teacher's software program is different from the learners’ and a download is not required to view content.

Creating a Moodle Book

A Book allows you to create one resource that guides users through a series of connected pages (chapters) in your Moodle course.  

Step 1: Switch on edit mode.

Step 2: Click +Add an activity or resource under the appropriate topic section.

Step 3: Scroll down to Resources within the pop-up menu and select Book.

Step 4: Click the Add button.

Step 5: On the Adding a new Book screen,

a.  Enter the file name in the Name field.

b.  If desired, enter details in the Description field.

c. Scroll to the bottom and click Save and return to course when finished.

Adding Chapters

Once the Book has been created, the next step is to add content to your book in the form of chapters. Each chapter is similar to a Moodle page with content being added using the text editor. This allows you to add text, images, videos, and links to communicate content to students.

Step 6: Click on the book link on your course page.

Step 7: Enter the first chapter title in the Chapter title field.  

Step 8: Enter chapter text in the Content field using the text editor.

Step 9: Click Save changes when finished.

Managing Book Content

Books chapters can be added and adjusting under the TABLE OF CONTENTS block. 

Step 1: Click on the Book link on your course page

Step 2

Chapter options under the TABLE OF CONTENTS the block: 

(a)     Click the Arrow icon to reorder the chapter within the book.

(b)    Click the Gear icon to edit the chapter content.

(c)     Click the Trash can icon to delete the chapter from the Book.

(d)    Click the Eyeball icon to make the chapter hidden from view.

(e)     Click the Plus sign (+) to add a new chapter to the Book.  Follow steps 9-11 under Adding Chapters  to create content.