Adding Course Activities

Class Wikis

If you want your class to work together on a collaborative project, a Wiki is a useful Moodle Activity. A Wiki gives each user equal access to the activity content where they are free to add, edit and view the pages as needed.  Users are also able to expand the Wiki by create additional sub-pages as necessary to support additional topics. Wiki content is added using the Moodle text editor allowing user to add text, images, videos, and outside links to each page.  

Adding a Wiki Activity

Step 1: Switch editing on.

Step 2: Locate the topic section (or week) in which the content will be located and click +Add an activity or resource.

Step 3: In the pop-up menu, scroll down through the many activity choices to the Resources area. then, select the Wiki.

Step 4: Enter a title in the Wiki name field. 

Step 5: If desired, enter text in the Description field.  Including instructions in this field can provide helpful guidance for students.

Step 6: Click the check box if you wish the description to display on the front of the course. If left unchecked, the description will display after they click into the activity.

Step 7: Enter a title in the First page name field. 

Step 8: Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save and return to course when finished.  

Step 9:  Once back on the course page, click the Wiki link on your course page.

Step 10: Under the New page menu, review details and click the Create page button. 

Step 11: Enter desired content for the page in the text field. 

Step 12: Click Save when finished. 

Step 4: To add content to the new page, click the title hyperlink within the page.

Step 5: Under the New page menu, review details and click the Create page button.

Step 6: Enter desired content for the page in the text field.

Step 7: Click Save when finished.

To create additional pages, repeat Steps 2-7 as necessary.  

Adding Wiki Sub-Pages

In addition to adding content to a page, you also have to ability to create a sub-page link that will take users from the initial page to the new page. This process requires a minor amount of code or language that tells Moodle you want to create a new Wiki page.  For example, to  add a sub-page titled Page 2,  you will need to add text enclosed in double square brackets: [[Page 2]].

Step 1:  While viewing the Wiki, click the Edit tab. 

Step 2:  To create a sub page, enter the new page name enclosed in double square brackets [[pagename]] in the text field. 

Step 3: Click Save when finished.

Step 4: To add content to the new page, click the title hyperlink within the page.

Step 5: Under the New page menu, review details and click the Create page button. 

Step 6: Enter desired content for the page in the text field.

Step 7: Click Save when finished.

To create additional pages, repeat Steps 2-7 as necessary.  

Additional Resources: