Filtering Discussion Posts

Filtering Discussion Posts

The discussion forum activity in Moodle has a search feature that allows you to filter course discussions using a range of search terms. 

Step 1: When viewing a course Forum activity, click the Search forums button to access the advanced search capability. 

Note: You can try entering a search term in this step, however, you will get more precise filtering using the advanced field option that appears in the next step. 

Step 2:  One the Advanced search screen, select the forum title that you would like to search.

Tip: You can search every forum in the course by leaving this set to All forums.

Step 3: Enter the information you would like to apply in the appropriate field(s). For example: 

3a: Find specific words that appear in a post

3b: Enter the name of the author who created the post or reply. 

Step 4: Click Search forums.

Step 5: When the search results appear, click See this post in context to view the thread.