Course Administration

Restricting Content By Date or Student Name 

Moodle allows you to restrict access to course content using a variety of variables.  Restrictions can be placed on all items in the course including activities, resources, and entire sections.

 This guide provides an overview of the process for restricting access by date and restricting access to a single user.  If you are looking to use more advanced restrictions in your course, you may want to review  Restricting Content Based on Activity Completion.  

Option 1: Adding a Date Restriction

Step 1:  Switch to editing mode. 

Step 2:  Locate the course activity, click the associated Edit link and then select Edit settings from the drop-down menu.  

Step 3:  On the Edit settings screen, scroll down and click the Restrict access heading to display the options.

Step 4:  Under Access restrictions, click Add restriction.  

Step 5:  In the Add restriction… pop-up, click Date  (or the desired selection)

Step 6:  Adjust the Date fields as needed to establish the timing for allowing student access. 


Step 7:  When finished, click Save and return to course. 

Once a restriction is added, the details will display under the item on the course page.   

Option 2: Restricting access to content using profile name

Step 1:  Click Turn editing on

Step 2:  Locate the course activity, click the associated Edit link and then select Edit settings from the drop-down menu.  

Step 3:  On the Edit settings screen, scroll down and click the Restrict access heading to display the options.  

Step 4:  Under Access restrictions, click Add restriction.  

Step 5:  In the Add restriction… pop-up, click User Profile (or the desired selection).

Step 6:  Adjust the User profile field to include Last name and then enter the user’s last name EXACTLY as it appears in the system. 

Step 7:  If desired, click Add restriction and repeat steps 5-6 to allow another user to access the activity. 

Note: If adding a second  user restriction to an activity, review the section below on Using Multiple Restrictions.

Step 8: When finished, click Save and return to course. 

Once a restriction is added, the details will display on the course page.   

Important Note When Using Multiple Restrictions

The Add restriction button allows you to add multiple restrictions to an activity. If you are using more than one restriction, it is critical that you pay attention to the match logic setting shown below.   The match logic field only appears when more than one restriction is added to an  activity under Restrict access. **

all = Every listed restriction must be met in order to be given access (uses AND logic)

any = If any one of the restrictions are met, the user will be given access (uses OR logic)

**This is especially important when you are adding restrictions that are meant to limit access to multiple users with a field such as their last name

Example of the restriction display when “ANY” is selected for the match logic.