Course Administration

Online Exam Timing Accommodations

Moodle allows instructors to add user-specific timing accommodations in both the Quiz and Assignment activities.  Once setup, the system will automatically apply these settings when the user accesses the activity in the course.

Adding a User Override

Step 1: Click on the Quiz or Assignment in the course.

Step 2:  From the more drop-down on the course page header, click overrides.

Step 3:  Click Add user override.

Step 4: Locate the student name in the Override user field.

Step 5: Adjust timing settings as appropriate for the student.

Pro Tip:  If extending the Time limit, make sure you also adjust the Close the Quiz time to allow for the extension.  This is because regardless of the Time limit remaining during an attempt, the quiz will always automatically end once the Close the Quiz time passes. 

Step 6: Click Save when finished.

All saved user overrides will appear on the User overrides screen. To edit the override, click the Gear icon.

 Note: If the Quiz activity is hidden in the course when you create the override, a warning will appear. This will disappear once the quiz is made visible to students in your course.