Course Administration

Import (Reuse) Content from an Existing Moodle Course

Many people find that they have course content already loaded in other Moodle courses which they would like to reuse in a new course. Moodle has a process that allows you to reuse important content from an old course!

NOTE: This Moodle feature allows you to reuse an entire course or select specific activities to reuse. This guide provides separate instructions for both import approaches due to the slight variation in process.

Option 1: Reusing an Entire Course

You must start in the NEW course shell in order for the process to work.

Step 1: From the course header, click more from the drop-down menu

Step 2: Select course reuse.

Step 3: Select the target course that contains the content you wish to import and click Continue.

Pro tip: When refining your course search, don't include section and semester details,  start by simply using the course code and number.  For example: ACS101 (no spaces!)

Step 3:  If you are bringing over everything from the old course into the new course, click Jump to Final Step. This will get the process started quickly.

Step 4: Moodle will display a notification when the import is complete, click Continue to return to the course.

Option 2: Importing Selected Course Resources or Activities

You must start in the course shell that needs the content to be added to it

Step 1: Step 1: From the course header, click more from the drop-down menu

Step 2: Select course reuse.

Step 3: Select the target course that contains the content you wish to import and click Continue.

Pro tip: When refining your course search, don't include section and semester details,  start by simply using the course code and number.  For example: ACS101 (no spaces!)

Step 3:  If you are picking and choosing specific content, click Next..

Step 4: All available content is selected with checkboxes by default. You should remove anything you do not wish to import by clicking on the check boxes to deselect the item. (Every item that is checked will be imported!) 

Pro tip: Selecting the blue None link at the top of the list will un-check everything. You will then be able to go back and check only the items that you want to import into your course.  You do need to click the section title first to unlock the other checkboxes!

 Once you have reviewed and checked the items to be imported,  scroll to the very bottom of the page and click Next.

Step 5:  The last step is to review your selections. If correct, scroll to the very bottom of the page and click Perform Import. Please be patient as the import processes.

Note: A green check mark indicates the item is slated for import.

Step 6: Moodle will display a notification when the import is complete, click Continue to return to the course.