Course Administration

Enrolling Users in a Moodle Course

A teacher enrolled in a course has the power to enroll other users in certain roles including student, teacher, and non-editing teacher. 

You can remove users added this manual enrollment process using these instructions.

Step 1:  From the course, page header click participants

Step 2: Click the Enroll users button on the right side of the page.

Step 3: Enter the user name in the search field.

Step 4:  A list of matching users will appear in a list, click the appropriate name

Repeat steps 4-5 to add additional users. 

Step 5: If needed, click the Assign role field and select a different role for the user (ex. Teacher).

Pro tip:  The Guest role, gives users read only access and is a role similar to students. The Tutor (NEW FEB. 24SP)  role allows users to view course content, including content hidden from students, but tutors cannot view student grades. 

Step 6: Click Enroll users

Always double-check the user list to ensure you have enrolled the correct person in the course!