Course Administration


The Moodle Attendance feature allows instructors to track student attendance, including late arrivals and excused/unexcused absences. Students are able to click on the activity to see their own attendance report; they cannot see each other's attendance in your course.

Adding the Attendance Feature

Step 1: Click Turn editing on.

Step 2: Locate the topic section (or week) in which the content will be located and click +Add an activity or resource.

Step 3: In the pop-up menu, select Attendance.

Step 4: If desired, enter a new name for the activity in the Name field.  Moodle automatically gives the activity a title of Attendance. 

Step 5: The default grade setting of the attendance feature will calculate a grade for each class.  If you don’t want students to earn points for each class, click the Type field and select None from the drop-down menu.

The Attendance feature is set to calculate an attendance grade for the course out of 100 points. If you want to assign a specific point value for each class, you will need to multiple a designated point value for each class by the total number of classes. (Ex. If you want students to earn 10 points per class for a class that meets once a week for 15 weeks, you would enter 150 points.)

Step 6: If desired, enter an updated point value in the Maximum Grade field.

Step 7: Click Save and return to course when finished.

Adding Course Sessions

After the Attendance activity has been added to your course, you need to create the sessions (meeting schedule) before being able to record attendance.  

Step 1: Click the Attendance link on your course page.

Step 2: Click the Add session.

Step 3: Enter the date, month and year in the Date fields.

Step 4:  Enter the start and end times for the class in the Time fields.

Step 5:  : To create a repeating sessions, under the Multiple Sessions section, click the checkbox for Repeat the Session above as follows.

Step 6: Click the checkbox next to appropriate day(s) for the repeating sessions.

Step 7:  Enter the course end date in the Repeat until fields.

Step 8: Click Add.

After creating the sessions, they will display under the session tab. 

Recording Attendance

Step 1: Click the Attendance tab on your course page.

Step 2:  Click the Arrow next to the session date.  

Step 3: Click the Radio Button to record the appropriate attendance option next to each student name.

Note: Clicking the radio button in the Set status for all users row will apply the selected option for all listed users. 

Step 4: Click Save attendance when finished.