
Adding Assignment Timing Accommodations

Moodle allows instructors to add user-specific timing accommodations in Assignment activities.   This could be used to allow a submission at an earlier time or extend the due date for individual students. 

Step 1: Click on the Assignment in the course.

Step 2:  Click the header select User overrides from the more drop-down menu. 

Step 3:  Click Add user override.

Step 4: Enter the student name in the Override user field and select the name. 

Note: Once selected, the user receiving the override will appear above the field in blue. 

Step 5: Adjust timing settings as appropriate for the student user.

Step 6: Click Save when finished.

All saved user overrides will appear on the User overrides screen. To edit the override, click the Gear icon.

Note: If the activity activity is hidden in the course when you create the override, a warning will appear. This will disappear once the activity is made visible to students in your course.