Moodle 101

Changing Section Titles

Blank course shells are loaded with a generic "Section 1, Section 2" label at the top of each topic section. Many instructors choose to teach their course week-by-week and thus, desire to update each topic section to reflect one week in the semester calendar.

Option 1: Using the Pencil Icon

Step 1: Toggle editing on. 

Once the course is in edit mode, actionable links will appear in the course next to each topic, activity or resource within a topic. 

Step 2: Click the Pencil icon next the topic.

Step 3: Type the new topic name in the text field and press the Enter key (or Return on a Mac) when finished.

Option 2: Updating Section Information

Step 1: Turn editing mode on in the top right corner. 

Step 2: Click the 3 vertical dots next to the appropriate topic section and select Edit topic from the drop-down menu. 

In the Edit topic page, instructors can change the title of the section as well as add descriptive text that will appear on the front page of the course. Some instructors find it helpful to post the weekly agenda here or to provide students with clear, concise assignment directions.  

Step 3: Click the checkbox next to Custom and then type a new topic title in the Section name text field. 

Step 4: Enter any details about the sectioni in the Summary text field (optional). 

Step 5: Click Save Changes when finished.

Updated Section Content