Moodle 101

Adding Files to a Moodle Course

Moodle allows users to add content to a course that can then be downloaded to a computer or opened and viewed. The types of files commonly added to Moodle courses include Word documents, PDFs, and PowerPoint (PPT) presentations. Users can also upload Excel and image files.

Word documents and PPT files will automatically download to the computer when a student clicks on the file. For documents that should not be downloaded by students, our office recommends changing the file to a PDF format before adding it to a course. This protects the file's content.

Note: Audio and video files should not be added directly into a course but instead uploaded to a users' Google Drive. Then, instructors can provide the link to the video in the course! Large video files could potentially crash the system if uploaded directly into Moodle.

Option 1: Using the Drag and Drop Method

Step 1: Click turn on the Edit mode on.

Step 2: Click and hold on the document located on your computer, drag the icon to the location on the Moodle page where you wish it to display (you can move it later), and let go. 

Step 3: If desired, click Edit ( three to the right of the file and select Edit Settings from the drop-down menu to rename the file.

Step 4: Enter a new title in the Name field.

Step 5: Click Save and return to course when finished. 

Option 2: Using the File Upload Tool

Step 1: Click Turn editing on.

Step 2: Click +Add an activity or resource under the appropriate topic section.

Step 3: Click File (or Folder if you wish to add more than one file).

Step 4: On the Adding a new File page, enter the file name in the Name field.

Step 5: If desired, enter details in the Description field. 

Step 6: Click the Add File icon to open the file picker. 

Step 7: Click Upload File in the side panel

Step 8: Click Browse to locate the file on your computer.

Step 9: Once the file is located in the computer pop-up window, click on the file name and then click Open.

Step 10: If you want to change the file name, enter a name in the Save As field.

Step 11: Click Upload this file to exit the File picker.

Step 12: Click Save and Return to course at the bottom of the page when finished.