Google Drive

Sharing a File with an Individual 

Any folder or file in Google Drive can be shared with others using their Google email address.  The owner of the document can determine whether collaborators have viewing, commenting or editing access to the file.  Collaborators will be sent an email communicating that a file has been shared with them. 

Step 1a: While viewing your Google Drive, right-click on the folder or file.  A drop-down menu will appear, select Share from the list of options. 

 Note: this will work with any file type stored in the Drive (pdf, doc, word, video, etc.) 

Step 1b: While working in a Google Docs, Sheets, or Slides file, click the Share button.  

Step 2: To invite an individual, add their emails into the text box. If inviting multiple individuals, add each email separately. 

Important Note: If sharing with faculty or staff, the email addresses should include If sharing with a student account,  the email address must be entered as in order to provide access!

Step 3: Click the access field  and set the level of access desired for the collaborators (if needed).  This will allow you to determine viewer or editor access. 

Step 4:  Enter details in the text field if you wish to include additional information in the sharing email (optional). 

Step 5: Click Send to share finalize the share setting. This will send an email notification to the users about the shared file. 

Step 6: Inviting individuals outside your suite will display a pop-up window asking to confirm your invitation, click YES to continue.

Note: This occurs when a faculty member invites a student email ( or a student invites a faculty email (

Adjusting Document Collaborators

You can view or adjust the list of individuals with access to the document. 

Step 1: While viewing the Share with others window, click the Advanced link.

For steps relating to adding this link to a Moodle course, please refer to the the help page: Linking to outside content