Setting Up Appointment Schedules in Google Calendar

Google Calendar Appointment Schedule Feature

Google calendar allows you to create appointment schedules that others can use to reserve appointment times. It is automatically connected to your Google calendar. 

*To set up appointment schedules you will need to be on a computer*

First, you must enable the Appointment Schedule Option:

Step a: Open Google Calendar

Step b:  Click on the gear icon in the upper right and select Settings from the drop down menu

Step c:  Enable the appointment schedule option by clicking the box next to Create appointment schedules instead of appointment slots  

Creating an Appointment Schedule

Step 1: Open Google Calendar

Step 2:  On the top left click Create +. 

Step 3:  Click appointment schedule 

Step 4: Enter a title 

Step 5: Set your appointment duration

Step 6:  Set up your General Availability (Google calendar will automatically prevent any conflicts on  your calendar)

Step 7: To expand the Scheduling window, click the down arrow ˅

Step 8:  Select the maximum time in advance that the appointment can be booked - the default is 60 days

Step 9:  Select how many hours before an appointment can be booked - by default, it is set to 4 hours

Step 10: Optional: You can adjust the availability for specific dates under adjusted availability 

Step 11: Optional: To expand the Booked appointment settings click the down arrow  ˅

Step 12: Lastly, you can pick a color to appear in your calendar for appointments and click next. 

Other Tips:

Related Materials:

Sharing your Appointment Schedule & Editing a Booking page