Google Drive

Embedding a YouTube Video into a Moodle Text field

Videos hosted in Youtube are a great way to share video content in your course.  An alternative to using a URL activity to share a video, YouTube videos can be embedded directly in a Moodle course text field.    Embedding YouTube video in a course  allows the content to be more accessible to students because it will display the full range of player control for students including the captioning button!

Pro Tip: Advanced coding skills are not required for this process because the HTML coded needed for this process is available under the YouTube video share options!

Looking to upload personal recordings into YouTube before embedding? This video tutorial explains the basic process! 

Step 1: Go to the video in YouTube and click  the share option. 

Step 2:  In the pop-up, select the Embed option

Note: If this option does not appear, it is likely disabled by the video owner!

Step 3: Copy the html code. This will save the text to your computer clipboard for pasting later!

Go to the appropriate Moodle course and locate the text field where you want to place the video. 

Step 4: Click the HTML Editor button to activate the editor feature.

Step 5: Paste the embed code directly into the text field.

Note: The HTML editor must be activated in order for the system to read the code!

Step 6: Click the HTML Editor button again to return to the normal text field. 

Step 7: Add addition text to the field as necessary.

Step 8: Scroll to the bottom and click Save and Return to course to finalize the embed. 

Note: Save button options will vary based on where the text field exists in a course!. 

Sample Youtube embedded in a Page resource