Google Drive

Adding a File to your Google Drive

The Google Drive associated with your Nazareth College email account is a great location for saving files that you want securely stored for later use.  Your Nazareth College Drive has unlimited storage space and these files can also be easily shared with others using their email account or by creating a sharable, public link.

Step 1: While logged into your email account, click the App icon and select Drive from the drop-down menu. 

Step 2: On the Drive screen, click the +New button.

Step 3: Select File upload from the drop-down menu.  

Step 4:  A file chooser window will appear, locate the file on your device and click Open to add the file to the Drive. 

Step 5:  A notification will appear when the file upload is complete and the file will then appear in your Drive.  

Note: Large video files will appear in your Drive but may take a while to process before they can be viewed.