Who is a child requiring special education?

Students who require special education have significant impairments in the areas of receptive and/or expressive language; cognitive abilities; physical abilities; social, emotional, or adaptive functioning; and/or self help skills. Children are referred to the program through the Early Intervention Program or through the screening/evaluation process.

What is a Developmental Screening?

A developmental screening is the first step in determining a child’s overall general development. Screenings are scheduled monthly through the preschool office. Parents/guardians can request a screening for their child anytime during the school year. The screening session lasts about 30-40 minutes and parents usually stay with their child.

What is a Developmental Evaluation?

If the screening results indicate a potential delay, the Nauset Integrated Preschool team will recommend a more comprehensive evaluation in order to determine if a child requires special education. Written parent/Guardian permission is required for this evaluation.

What is the usual process?

  1. Screening

  2. If the screening indicates a potential delay, an evaluation consent is sent to parents/guardians.

  3. Evaluators set appointments to evaluate within 30 school days of receiving the signed consent

  4. Initial eligibility meeting is held within 45 school days to review results and determine eligibility for services. If your child is found eligible for services, an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) will be created by the team, which includes parents/guardians

  5. Parent/guardian must complete and return school registration forms

  6. A proposed IEP is sent to parents/guardian for review and signed consent

  7. Your child can begin school once registration is complete and a signed IEP is received