Parent Communication

There are several ways to communicate with families and celebrate students heritage:

  • Newsletters (With special area about student of the week and their families, heritage, or culture)
  • Communicate on classroom applications and include a fun or interesting fact about your classroom culture and diversity
    • Examples
      • Class Dojo
      • Bloomz
      • Seesaw (Coming soon to Ms. Steinman's class)
  • Have families send in information or come talk to the class about their culture or heritage.

You can also find and share videos about culture, diversity, and heritage into the classroom. Ways to do this include:

  • Books on Youtube (Anansi the Spider)
  • Virtual Fieldtrips (Mystery Skype Sessions) that can connect another classroom, Worker that can inform about culture or heritage of another area (Russia, China, Canada, another part of the US) or expert on certain topics (Science, Weather, or Geography)
  • Guest speaker that talks about culture to any classroom with Web/Internet Access.
  • Family members from the classroom in other countries or cultures can skype in / conference video call