
The International Division promotes interactions that transcend international boundaries and cultural lines by mentoring and fostering educational endeavors, and coordinating communication with sister associations around the world. The International Division offers members opportunities for presentations and provides a hospitality area for all AECT conference attendees. 

Who we are

International Division Board Members


Dirk Ifenthaler is Professor and Chair of Learning, Design and Technology at the University of Mannheim, Germany and UNESCO Deputy Chair of Data Science in Higher Education Learning and Teaching at Curtin University, Australia. His research outcomes include numerous co-authored books, book series, book chapters, journal articles, and international conference papers, as well as successful grant funding in Australia, Germany, and USA. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Technology, Knowledge and Learning; Senior Editor of Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education; and Deputy Editor in-Chief of International Journal of Learning Analytics and AI for Education 


 Nicole Wang-Trexler, Ph.D. has over 10 years of research experience in data analytics across different fields. She is currently a Senior Analyst at Vanguard. Before that, she was the Associate Director of Data Sciences and Research at the Wharton School, and the LTEN-PSU Learning Agility Fellow. Nicole's personal background has been strongly related to East Asia as she grew up both in China and Japan. She loves to learn about people's life experiences from all over the world.  

Past President

 Hengtao Tang is an Assistant Professor of Educational Technology in the Department of Educational Studies. Hengtao currently serves as the Past President of the International Division. His first AECT convention dates back to 2012 in Louisville, Kentucky. Since then, Hengtao has been actively involved in AECT International Division. As the President, Hengtao is looking forward to working with all the International Division members, leaders, and volunteers to elevate our division to a new level 

AECT Board Representative

 Charles Xiaoxue Wang is a Professor of Educational Technology at the Florida Gulf Coast University. His responsibility is to represent INTL at the AECT Board meetings and report AECT business pertaining to the INTL division. He also serves as a mentor in the AECT Addie Kisinger Leadership Development Internship Program 

Newsletter Editor

 Hoda Harati is a Clinical Assistant Professor in Educational Technology division at Northern Arizona University and teachers undergraduate and graduate courses. She earned her Ph.D from Northern Arizona University. Her area of research is Adaptive Learning, Online learning, SNA, SRL, AI-integrated Simulations, and Teacher’s self-efficacy.

Communication Officer

Yu-Chun Kuo is an Associate Professor of Instructional Technology at Rowan University. She teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in Educational Technology. Her research interests include technology integration in teaching and learning, online interaction, technology self-efficacy, collaborative learning, and STEM education 

Professional Development Coordinator & ID Secretary

 Daniel L. Hoffman is an Assistant Professor of Learning Design & Technology at the University of Hawaii at Mānoa. A former elementary teacher, Dan earned his doctorate in Instructional Technology & Media from Teachers College, Columbia University in 2013. His research focuses on the design of interactive experiences and their impact on learning and engagement. This interdisciplinary work takes place at the intersection of cognitive science, computer science, and learning science. He is a graduate of the New York City Teaching Fellows program and has designed and evaluated educational software for Intel and the Games for Learning Institute 

ETR&D Representative 

Patricia Young is an associate professor at University of Maryland, Baltimore County. Her responsibility is to represent INTL on the ETR&D editorial board, and also to nominate candidates for the Outstanding Journal Article published in Cultural and Regional Perspectives of ETR&D Award. 

ICEM Representative

 Robert G, “Bob” Doyle, who recently retired after 36 years at Harvard University, was an associate dean in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences and former associate dean of Harvard College. For more than 30 years, he also served as an academic adviser for undergraduate students. Doyle has completed courses at ten universities and earned several degrees including a doctorate at Boston University where he wrote a dissertation on the relationship between job satisfaction and self-concept; once again, he is a Harvard student this semester. He has served as a keynote speaker or featured presenter at academic technology conferences on four continents and his topics have included MOOCs, flipped classrooms, assistive technology, learning spaces technology design, organizational behavior, and human resources issues. Bob joined AECT in 1985 and the International Division in 1989. Bob and his wife Monique have three daughters, Sara, PhD (Duke), Alicia, PhD (Tufts) and Emily, MEd (New Haven). 

TechTrends Representative

 Yu-Chang Hsu is an associate professor at Boise State University. His responsibility is to report to the INTL Board regarding TechTrends articles on international education and training, and promote an issue featuring an international technology theme and articles.