6. How to search databases effectively

Get access to this lesson:

STEP 1. To access this lesson, you must be logged in to your NAU Gmail Account (a.k.a. your G Suite account). You may already be logged in! To check, try this link: https://sites.google.com/nau.edu/info-lit-advanced1/6-how-to-search-databases-effectively. If you don't see the lesson when you click that link, go on to step 2.

STEP 2. Open your NAU Gmail Account and then come back to this page and try the link in step 1 again.

IMPORTANT: If you are not sure how to access your NAU Gmail Account, or having difficulty accessing it, or if you are an instructor who doesn't have an NAU Gmail Account, then consult the tips on the homepage of this tutorial to troubleshoot the problem.