Electric Thermometer

I worked with Gerardo Silva, and Cody Stierheim had worked on an electronic thermometer that a customer expressed a desire to have. There were no device specifications at the time, so our team thoroughly researched temperature transducers to meet the customer’s needs. After researching, we sought the qualities and constraints of these devices to help the customer with their selection using a pairwise and decision matrix. Our team also created a Gantt chart that illustrates what tasks have to be done and when. We built and tested the device after getting TMP37 as a result of the decision matrix. Our demo results were adequate, leaving room for improvement. Electric thermometers contain a temperature transducer that converts thermal energy into a physical quantity. The device will need to measure the temperature using a sensor and digitally display the temperature. Our team and the customer worked collaboratively throughout the whole design process to build the product.

Figure 1: Schematic of electric thermometer