Personal Project

10th grade culminating myp Project

The Personal Project is an individual, self-directed project completed in Grade 10 that is a requirement for all IHS sophomores.

The project must have a principled action. The project must extend beyond what students have learned in their classes. It is not required that all personal projects provide a direct service to the community, but it should allow students to learn the importance of being socially responsible and how to take thoughtful and appropriate action.

Principled action includes:

  • Developing an area of interest that extends beyond course subjects.

  • Communicating and sharing learning with others.

  • Changing behavior as a result of learning with the understanding that choices and decisions do make a difference.

  • Reflecting regularly and recording how this process has influenced actions, attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs.

Personal Project Resources

Students and families can visit the IHS Personal Project Website for additional resources and supports.

The English 10 teachers will provide in-class instruction and supports for students as they complete their personal projects.

Sample IHS personal projects

IHS Personal Project

Personal Project Guide and Information

IHS PP updated guide.pdf