
Evidence of student learning and rubrics

Summative Assessments (end of unit assessment)

At the end of each unit, teachers have created a performance-based assessment, which is a complex scenario that provides students an opportunity to demonstrate what they know and are able to do, in an authentic real-world context or a modeled real-world context.

The assessment should be linked to the concepts of the unit and provide varied opportunities for students to demonstrate their knowledge, understanding and skills. The summative assessment should challenge students to show their understanding through authentic performance (not simply the recall of facts) and be rigorous to allow students to demonstrate their learning in many ways.

MYP assessment philosophy recognizes the importance of the product and the process of learning, and the development of skills is critical for students to achieve at the highest levels.

Assessment tasks may include:

  • Compositions—musical, physical, artistic

  • Creation of solutions or products in response to problems

  • Essays

  • Examinations

  • Investigations

  • Research

  • Performances

  • Presentations—verbal (oral or written), graphic (through various media)

Assessment for CA Common Core state standards (CCSS), including ELA, math, NGSS, HSS, and literacy frameworks, align with the assessment philosophy of IBMYP.

objectives and assessment criteria (rubrics)

Each subject has specific aims and objectives defining what students should experience and learn. All subject groups have four MYP objectives (Criteria A-D). The objectives and objective strands must be assessed formally in a summative assessment once per semester (minimum of twice per school year).

Parent resources

MYP rubrics_IB Parent Meeting

Parent Meeting Slides:

MYP assessment and rubrics

MYP Rubrics and IC_Parents.pdf

Parent Resource Sheet:

MYP rubrics and Infinite Campus