Meal Options
Which schools serve breakfast?
All schools serve breakfast! Breakfast for all elementary and middle schools can be found in the cafeteria prior to the start of school. NHS has a breakfast cart that is directly outside of the cafeteria.
Where can I find Gluten Free (GF) meal options?
Some menu items are naturally GF. For specific options please reach out to kgentili@natickps.org. A Doctor's note must be on file with your child's school nurse.
What are the meal options for children with allergies?
We handle allergy cases specifically by child. Please reach out to kgentili@natickps.org.
What is considered a full meal? (Breakfast and lunch)
Breakfast: entree item, fruit and/or juice, milk.
Lunch: entree item, fruit and/or vegetable, milk.
Students must take a full meal in order to receive free or reduced pricing of meals. Milk cannot solely be purchased at a free or reduced price; it must be taken with a meal.
What are the regulations around brand-named foods served in the schools?
School meals are able to serve brand named foods. While the brand name may be recognizable to students, the product formula is different then what is sold in stores. All products must be whole grain; have a certain amount of sugar, salt and fat per serving.
What are the regulations on juice and milk in the schools?
Fruit is mandatory at both breakfast and lunches and no more than half of our fruit offerings can be juice. This meaning that juice cannot be served more then fresh fruit. Juice serving size is a 4 ounce carton of 100% fruit juice. Juice is only one offering along with milk and water. Milk served is either skim chocolate, skim white or 1% white milk. Lactaid is also available. Milk is available at both breakfast and lunch.
Do you serve locally-sourced produce?
Yes, fruits and vegetables are locally sourced whenever possible. Last school year, over 16,000 pounds of locally sourced fruits and vegetables were served from farms as close as Whately, MA!
Lunch Accounts and Financial Assistance
How can add money to my child's lunch account?
Payments can be made online at myschoolbucks.com - student ID will be needed for registration.
Checks can be sent into your child's school cafeteria OR mailed to ATTN Foodservice 15 West Street. Checks can be made payable to Natick Foodservice. Please indicate your child's name or student ID on the bottom of the check.
Cash can be sent into your child's school cafeteria.
How can I apply for free or reduced meals for my child(ren)?
A meal application can be found on the homepage of the foodservice website. Once completed, it can be mailed directly to ATTN Foodservice at 15 West Street OR sent in with your child to school.
Only one application is needed per family. A new application must be submitted EVERY school year.
I don't want my child to purchase meals at school, I would rather them bring it from home. Can you tell them they cannot charge a meal?
No child can be refused a meal regardless if they have money on their account or not. Unfortunately, meal accounts cannot be closed. A note can be put on your child's account stating not to let them charge certain meals and/or items; which will be indicated to the cashier at the time of purchase.
What is the pricing for breakfast and lunch?
Reduced Breakfast $0.30; Paid Breakfast: $1.25
Reduced Lunch $0.40; Elementary Lunch $3.00; Middle & High Lunch $3.00 & $3.50 for Premium Meals
What is a premium meal at the middle and high school level?
Premium meals are indicated on the bottom of the middle & high school menus.