
The vision of the Massachusetts Personalized Learning Edtech (MAPLE) Consortium is to catalyze personalized learning enabled by technology in K-12 public education.

Natick Public Schools serves as a founding member and catalyst district for MAPLE which is a public-private partnership between the LearnLaunch Institute and the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to catalyze personalized learning in the Commonwealth with the purpose of better preparing students for their future.

Natick has three pillars for personalizing student learning using the deeper learning and global competencies. The three pillars are: Project Based Learning (PBL), Blended Learning, and Social and Emotional Learning (SEL).

NExT Learning Partner @ Northeastern University

Natick Public Schools are excited to be a part of the launch of NExT - Northeastern Universities initiative to bring powerful Experiential and authentic project based Learning to K-12 classrooms. Natick educators will work alongside Northeastern faculty in a innovation incubator for experiential education—a learning model based on the intentional integration of life experience and academic instruction.

“Northeastern University’s approach to experiential learning continues to be a model for higher education institutions around the world,” said U.S. Sen. Ed Markey. “I’m excited to see the university partner with educators from across the country, including many from Massachusetts, to bring this expertise to K-12 classrooms and better prepare students for the 21st century educational system and global economy.”

Read more. - Video from Summer 2017 Meeting. Hint: Turn sound down!


Natick teams attended and presented at the Summer of 2018 and the Summer of 2019 meetings.

A national network of school and district leaders focused on integrating the 4Cs (critical thinking, communication, collaboration and creativity) into education.

Natick leaders including all principals participated during the summer of 2017 in the EdLeader 21 Leadership Academy. This academy will guided our work moving forward. An outcome of the leadership academy was the creation of a 5 year plan:

YEAR: 1 Vision & Plan (2017-2018):

District or school transformation process begins with a 21st century vision or profile of a graduate developed with community consensus and an action plan for implementation.

YEAR 2 & 3 Learn & Expand (2018-2020):

In the preliminary stages of implementation, there is an emphasis on building professional capacity, engaging early adopters and aligning teaching and learning systems to your 21st century vision for students.

YEAR 3 & 4 Spread & Scale (2020-2022):

Readiness to bring implementation to scale involves building system capacity, promoting a culture of continuous improvement and elevating models of success to celebrate and illustrate progress.


Kathleen Fritz is the founder of CREATOMbuilder, Inc., a design innovation, PBL, technology integration and instructional coaching service for K-12 schools. Kathleen has worked with our educators, providing workshops to learn how to incorporate design thinking using her innovative tools and templates to help teachers and their students design deep project based learning experiences. Check out photos of our teachers using the CREATOMbuilder Tools during our PBL professional learning workshops:

See PBL by Stacy Gauthier that was designed after completing the Project Based Learning and Design Thinking Course at NILS2017. - combining Blended, Project and SEL Learning

Thrively's mission is to help parents and teachers guide K-12 students through a journey to develop their strengths, interests, and aspirations and discover their own genius. During the 2019-2020 school year a pilot team of 16 teachers in grades 5-9 will:

  • Administer and use the student strengths assessment and Habits of Mind assessments to learn more about their students
  • Understand the student dashboard and ePortfolios and how they can be used over time to build a story of student skills development
  • Award student badges for skill development milestones.
  • Use the Thrively Goal Setting and Tracking progress functions
  • Develop uniques playlists, lessons and/or projects using the Thrively platform for each grade level that will be used with all students in Gr. 5-8 during the 2019-2020 school year that teach the "Profile of a Graduate" competencies and skills.
  • Develop goals for the 2019-2020 school year and how we will evaluate the impact the Thrively platform has on student learning and skills growth in Grades 5-8.
  • Measure Progress in student growth over a three year period.

Google Classroom Project Site:

Level up Village's mission is to globalize the classroom and facilitate seamless collaboration between students from around the world via pioneering Global STEAM (STEM + Arts) enrichment courses. LUV offers STEAM courses for students in K-12. In each course, our students connect 1:1 with peers in other countries – students exchange video letters with their global partner students and collaborate on projects. LUV believes that to be successful in the jobs of the future, students will need to apply learning across various disciplines and collaborate across national, social and economic divides. By participating in LUV courses, students not only develop cutting-edge STEAM Skills, but also the softer skills of global collaboration and communication, now targeted in ISTE, Common Core and NGSS standards.

We piloted LUV this year with the HS Girls in STEM club. Check out what our students learned and created:

Girls in STEM.pptx