July 2019

June 2019

May 2019

May 8th - Profile of a Graduate Night: Re-defining Senior Year.

May 4th - Natick Special Olympics Unified Sports : Bringing Students together on and off the field.

April 2019

  • Apr. 29th - MAPLE Learning Tour North Reading - Computational Thinking and Coding Program at MS - ALL PBL and Design Challenges.
  • Apr. 9th - PBL for Student Agency 1 credit graduate course begins.
  • Apr. 1-3 - CoSN Conference in Portland OR. Present: Leveraging the Power of Networks to Scale Personalized Learning. Presenting with MAPLE, and TEC Collaborative and Chris Unger from NeXT. Grace - CETL EXAM

March 2019

  • Mar. 18-22nd - PK STEAM Week.
  • Mar. 15th - MassCUE Leadership conference - Human side of Changing Education with Julie Wilson Keynote

February 2019

Feb 27 - Maple Master Class - Pathways to Personalization with Shawn Rubin. Team from Natick Admin and teachers.

January 2019

December 2018

  • Dec. 21st - Meet with Chris Unger discuss progress and support from NeXT. Discuss presentation for CoSN in April.
  • Dec. 19th - PBL course collaboration with Westford and Beverly
  • Dec. 14th - Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Summit at the College of the Holy Cross
  • Dec. 6th - MAPLE Master Class at Natick with Julie Wilson: The Human Side of Leading Change Workshop

November 2018

  • Nov. 26 - Natick Innovation & Learning Summit (NILS2018)- over 100 PBL, Blended and SEL and Health and Wellness Workshops
  • Nov. 26th - PBL Class begins. 2 Credit graduate Designing Authentic PBL using Design Thinking

October 2018

  • Oct. 25th - Barrington RI vist with the HS Team to learn about their Senior Internship and Capstone projects.
  • Oct. 24th - Boston 25 Girls in STEM and Girls who Code Segment - Filming
  • Oct. 22-26th - Natick Middle School STEM Week, - ALL PBL - ALL Week! Commissioner visit.
  • Oct. 18th and 19th - MassCUE Fall Conference
  • Oct. 8th - Innovation Team Meeting - Kennedy

September 2018

  • Sep. 29th - Graduate Course: Designing PBL for Student Agency begins. Signup on TeachPoint PD by September 15th.
  • Sep. 18th - MAPLE Bright Spot Visit of Memorial Elementary School. Classroom Walkthroughs. Begin work to calibrate PoNG work.

July-August 2018

  • Aug. 29th - First day back for students FY19
  • Aug. 27th - First day back for teachers FY19
  • Aug. 6th -10th - PBL and DT Course in Beverly with Judy Miller, Grace Magley and Julie Baudreau - Beginner and Advanced
  • Jul. 31st and Aug. 1st-2nd - MAPLE Innovative School Leaders Summit with Friday Institute
  • Jul. 23rd-27th - NeXT Experiential Learning Partnership cohort 2 at Northeastern University
  • Jul. 10th - 12th - PBL and Design Thinking Coaches Training with Kathleen Fritz in Westford, MA. Natick Teachers should register on NatickPD by June 15th.
  • Jul. 9th - MAPLE Future Ready Summit

June 2018

May 2018

  • 22nd - HS Senior Internship Showcase
  • 18th - Observe S. Gauthier's PBLs for end of year reflection
  • 15th and 17th - Presenters planning meeting for the Wilson PBL Hackathon on June 4th
  • 7th - Kennedy Middle School PBL Hackathon for all staff and MAPLE Learning Tour

April 2018

  • 12th - Submitted the McCarthey Dressman Grant - Middle School Academic Enrichment PBL and Global Competencies 1- 10 week program in Fall and Spring
  • 9th - Planning meeting with Kathleen Fritz and Westford and Beverly for the summer DT and PBL Coaching workshop, July 10-12th - limit 30.
  • 6th - Highlander Institute Advanced Practitioners Summit for the Blended and Personalized Learning Conference in RI - Barrington RI POP for DL/PBL
  • 2nd - Presenters planning meeting for the Kennedy PBL Hackathon on May 7th

March 2018

  • 26th - DESE in Malden Special Meeting with Commissioner and board on Personalized Learning with MAPLE, Michael Horn and districts.
  • Sun, Mar 25th - ASCD Panel on MAPLE and Personalizing Learning with Needham
  • 9th - MassCUE: Lead Like a Pirate - Natick keynote on Personalized Learning at NPS
  • 7th - PLTW Training all day with TOSA for Gr 2 Brown Teachers.
  • 5th - Learning Tour - Beverly PBL Hackathon

February 2018

  • 27th - Designing PBL using Design Thinking Course, Session #5 (last session)
  • 14th - MS Innovation Meeting (last session due to Hackathon Meetings)
  • 6th - Designing PBL using Design Thinking Course, Session #4
  • 1st-2nd - LearnLaunch/MAPLE Conference on Personalizing Learning

January 2018

  • 31st - HS Civics Semester 1 Student Showcase
  • 30th - HS Girls in STEM with LUV Begins (Every Week)
  • 29th - HS Girls Who Code Begins (Every Week)
  • 25th - Visit with S. Pogarian on her PBL Unit
  • 23rd - Designing PBL using Design Thinking Course, Session #3
  • 17th - MS Innovation Team Meeting - Natick PBL Design Templates
  • 11th - Intro PLTW training for 2nd grade teachers by TOSA on Animal Adaptations Unit
  • Sat, 6th - 1st class for Designing PBL course at Natick HS, Sessions #1 and #2 - 5 hours

December 2017

  • 15th - Visit L. Magee Gr. 3 at Johnson. SeeSaw portfolios, PBL
  • 14th - MS Innovation Team Meeting - Making PBLs visible/Hackathon Planning
  • 12th - New MS Teachers on Personalized Learning, PBL in Natick
  • 11th - Learning Tour Barrington, RI - MS PBL Hackathon with N. Zhu, C. Unger
  • 6th - Meet with A. Brunell on HS Girls Who Code training for leaders
  • 1st - Design with S. Lemon Winter PBL Course as followup to NILS2017

November 2017

  • 30th - BlendinMass SIG/MAPLE Advisory in Westford with Kathy Fritz DT and PBL
  • 27th - NILS2017 - PBL and DT Workshop with K. Fritz, BIE.org Workshop with A. Buck
  • 16th - November MS Innovation Team Meeting with Chris Unger from NeXT
  • 14th - Initial Meeting with Level Up Village for Girls in STEM
  • 6th - Observe S. Gauthier PBL Gr 8 Science Kennedy - Climate Change
  • 1st-3rd - EdSurge Fusion Personalized Learning conference in CA

October 2017

  • 30th - 31st - Visit to Facebook, Google and Experiential Learning School in CA
  • 27th - Meet with Kennedy/Wilson teachers on PBL units (Cloutier, Pogarian)
  • 19th - Meet with MS Innovation Team to plan year
  • 16th - Johnson Faculty Meeting on PBL
  • 6th - Meet with Principal at Lilja on PBL, Video Meeting with NeXT team
  • 3rd - Meetings with Computer Science Department, HS Civics Department on PBL

September 2017

  • 28th - BlendinMass SIG/MAPLE Advisory on Personalized Learning
  • 26th - Observe S. Gauthier PBL Gr 8 Science Kennedy - Climate Change
  • 15th - Meet with K. Fritz to plan for the PBL DT Workshop at NILS2017 for 50 Teachers
  • 7th - Meet with H. Pearson on HS Girls in STEM Club

June-August 2017

  • Aug. 24th - Meet with A. Brunell, CS Dept. on HS Girls Who Code Club
  • Aug. 14th-16th - Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Grant Training in NH
  • Aug. 7th-11th - PBL Course in Beverly, MA with Cohort 1 and 2 teachers
  • Aug. 1st-3rd - MAPLE/Friday Institute and OETC Leading School Conference
  • Jul. 17th-20th - NeXT Experiential Learning Partnership cohort 1 at Northeastern University with N. Lemoine
  • Jun. 25th-28th - ISTE Conference (Workshops on PBL, Design Thinking and Global STEM Education)