Discovering Your Personality Type

Learn More About Your Personality

Your work style is made up of your personality traits, personal qualities, and work environment preferences. Knowing your personality and preferences help you understand more about what motivates you, what brings you comfort and satisfaction, and what informs the choices you make both personally and professionally.

Most people find work more satisfying when it fits within their own personal style and preferred ways of operating and living life. Use the tools below to explore your personality and preferences in depth.

Personality and Preferences

Circle the qualities and criteria below that best describe your personality and work preferences. Consider past volunteer, internship and work experiences, as well as your ideal for the future.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicators - In depth personality and preferences assessments

People often find difficulty defining what kind of work they want to do or why a given field makes them comfortable or uncomfortable. Personality type is a practical tool for investigating what works for you, then looking for and recognizing work that satisfies your preferences. Knowing your personality type may, for example, prove helpful in deciding what specific areas of law, medicine, education, or business a person prefers. A person with a preference for introversion may find he or she is happier doing research, while a person who prefers extroversion may favor a field with more interaction with people. Work environments influence how comfortable you are at your job. When you know this about yourself, you can make arrangements to do your work in a more suitable location or at a time when there is less activity and interference.

Knowing your personality type can help you with career planning at every stage: from your choices of subjects and majors in school to choosing your first career, to advancing in your organization or changing careers later in life.

Try one of these tests to learn more about your personality:

16 Personalities

Jung Typology Test

Type Finder

16-Type Jungian Personality Test

The Party Game

Imagine walking into a room in which the six groups of people below are already interacting. Read the descriptions of each group and list the group you would be drawn to first, then your second choice, and finally your third choice.

What are Holland Codes? What is RIASEC?

Holland Codes and the abbreviation RIASEC refer to John Holland's six personality types: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising and Conventional. Careers, college majors, career clusters, and career pathways are often organized and scientifically classified by these personality types.

Discover how your interests relate to occupations. Try one of these tests:

Holland Code (RIASEC) Test

Mn Careers

Career Personality Profiler

Even when circumstances make it necessary for you to do work that you have not chosen or which you must do as part of your overall job description, knowledge and understanding of type can help you discover and use your strengths to accomplish the work. When you find an unsatisfactory job fit, you can examine the reasons and seek solutions based on your preferences. When you do have an opportunity to take a new path in your work, knowing your personality type can help you analyze the fit of your type with your past work and consider what new direction can best fit with your preferences.

Sneak a peek at some careers that might be a good match for you: