Week of March 4, 2024

2024 Spring Election Information

Elections will be held 

April 16th - April 18th Virtually

How to Get on the Ballot for the Executive Board and Board of Directors

The following Executive Board positions are up for election: 

If you are interested in running for an Executive Board position, you must submit a Candidate Profile Sheet to the NTU office no later than NOON on March 22, 2024.

Candidate Profile Sheet

Elections for Representative on the Board of Directors (also eligible for convention delegate to the AFT-NH and/or AFL-CIO Conventions) will also be held.  If you are interested in representing your School or Unit on the Board of Directors, please submit your name only (no profile required) to Terry Freeman at the NTU via email at freemant@nashuatu.org no later than NOON on March 22, 2024.

Open Positions on the Board of Directors

Register to Vote

Draft Sick Bank Language

Voting on the Sidebar Agreements

Sick Bank Sidebar Ballot Question

In conjunction with the Teachers' Negotiations Team, the Teachers' Sick Bank Committee, the Paraeducator Negotiations Team, the Paraeducator Sick Bank Committee, the Secretaries Negotiations Team, the Secretaries Sick Bank Committee, the Executive Board, and the Board of Directors, there will be a ballot question to amend Article 6:2 Sick Bank in all three contracts. 

The proposed language changes are available (to the left) by unit. The changes/added language are in red while language being removed is struck out. 

Each unit will vote of the proposed changes. If approved by the unit, the language will go to the Board of Education. This will be done on a unit by unit basis meaning that if the teachers and paraeducators approve the changes, but the secretaries do not, the language for the teachers and the paraeducators will still go to the Board of Education. The secretaries language would effectively die and could be revisited when we go to negotiate that contract in 2026.

The Changes:

Secretarial Accruals Grievance Hearing

As a reminder, in the new Secretaries contract, secretaries started getting paid for their lunch. They went from 7.5 hours per day to 7.75 hours per day. In the final year of the contract, secretaries will be paid 8 hours per day.  The accruals, listed as days in the contract (both days and hours for sick time), are converted to hours as they can be used in hourly increments. The accruals were updated for July 1st reflect the days based on 7.5 hours and not 7.75 hours. The district has not agreed to adjust the accruals, thus the grievance. 

AFT-NH Legislative Bulletin

Know Your Contract

Changes to POPPs EHAA - Employee Use of the Network Resource and Telecommunications (NRT) Systems

On Monday night, the Board approved changes to POPPs EHAA. The biggest change is bullet four of the policy. Basically, you are not permitted to forward any information that you obtain at school about students, includes personally identifiable information, confidential information, and other things that you would obtain using your @nashua.edu or @nsd42.net credentials. The IT Department is working on a one-page, simple explanation for people on this new change. The NTU has also asked that the district develop a notification system to alert staff when new POPPs policies impacting them are approved. Dr. Andrade has agreed to this. If you have questions about this POPPs policy or other POPPs, please reach out to your administrator.

Vacancies on the Board of Directors

The following positions are vacant on the Board of Directors. Vacancies are either a one or two year term (see date next to each position for when the term expires). The Board of Directors meetings monthly to discuss Union related issues, actions, and other business as needed. Board members also help disseminate information from the Union Office, meet with administration for questions about contracts, and assist members with questions, concerns and when meeting with administration. Members of the Board Directors are supported by the Grievance Chairs and the Executive Board. If you have any questions, or are interested in one of the vacant positions, please contact Adam (president@nashuatu.org). 

Nashua High North

Teacher Representative (2024)

Amherst Street

Teacher Representative (2024)

Dr. Crisp

Paraeducator Representative (2024)

Franklin Street

Teacher Representative (2025)

Paraeducator Representative (2024)

Main Dunstable

Paraeducator Representative (2024)

New Searles

Teacher Representative (2025)

Title 1

One (1) Unit Representative (2024)

Food Service

One (1) Unit Representative (2025)

Have an idea for the Just for Fun section?  Send it to Adam (president@nashuatu.org).

Goodbye Cellphone...

...by a landslide!!!

Dad Joke of the Week

Why did the magician take a bath? 

So he could clean up his act.

Just for Fun

There are times that I wanted to throw my cellphone out the window. There are times all that it does is ding. But, I'm not sure what I would do without it. What do you think?

For the NTU calendar, click here

For the BOE calendar, click here

For the BOE agendas and minutes, click here

Upcoming Events 

Questions? Comments? Need Assistance?  Contact a member of the Executive Board

Trying to email Adam? Make sure to use president@nashuatu.org