Week of January 15, 2024

Message from the President

Today's message from me is a bit different because it's actually about me. Why am I sending a message about me? Well, there have been some crazy rumors about me leaving, stepping down, and not completing this term that have intensified and made it back to me last week. Here's the scoop, straight from my big mouth.

When I was in high school, college, and up until 2015, I worked at a residential summer camp for 14 years. I started as a counselor and then spent the final 8 years at camp as the Director of the Boys' Campus. Leaving in 2015 was one of the hardest things I have ever done, but we had the boys and I had taken a more active role in the Union, so it was time. Fast forward to this past September, an opportunity came to my attention that I had to investigate. The camp that I still love had reorganized the administration and now had additional full-time, year round administrative positions. The position of Operations Director was newly posted. This position oversees the operation of the two campuses, the administrative staff, the summer staff, and works with parents and sponsors. I applied for the position and was interviewed in November and December. During the time, the Executive Board had been made aware of my possible departure, and because of rumors flying around several buildings, I informed the Board of Directors in December. I let them know that if I did indeed depart, I would work to develop a transition plan with Executive Board. I was also prepared to continue on in some capacity assisting with the transition and supporting the Executive Board and the Union as they best saw fit.

Last week, I withdrew my name from consideration for the position. The process, which became tedious for me at times, allowed me to reflect on my time at the NTU and my thoughts about the future. It also allowed me to continue having conversations with Sherry and in the end, it is not the right time to make a large change for our family. 

I will proudly continue to serve as NTU President for the remainder of my term. I will also run for one final term in April. With a finite end to my time in the NTU office, I will work closely with the Executive Board and Board of Directors to put a transition plan in place for the person who follows me, assuming that I am re-elected this spring. 

It has been my great honor and privilege to be the President of the Nashua Teachers' Union, and I will continue to work to the best of my ability to support the members of our great organization. 

AFT-NH Legislative Bulletin

Stop the Expansion of School Vouchers - Action Needed!!!

ONE CLICK ACTION: https://actionnetwork.org/letters/stop-the-expansion-of-school-vouchers?source=direct_link&

The House Education Committee on Wednesday, January 17th, will be taking up four bills that will significantly raise the state’s spending on the already overbudget, zero- accountability school voucher program. These bills are House Bills 1561, 1634, 1665, and 1677. One of those bills, HB 1665, would raise the income eligibility cap to 500% above poverty level, meaning a family of 4 who makes $150,000 could get a voucher effectively removing all income caps on the voucher program so that even a multi-millionaire would be able to send take your hard-earned tax money designed for public schools and use it to send his kids to an elite private school. It is time to stop draining resources from our public schools to this wildly expensive and unaccountable voucher program.

Know Your Contract

Teacher Retirement Deadline Notice - Less than a month!!!

Attention teachers considering retirement at the end of this school year!!!

Under Article 4.9A of the contract, in order to be eligible for your severance, you must submit a binding letter of retirement to the Superintendent no later than February 1, 2024.

Sample Retirement Letter

I would also suggest that you set up an appointment with the New Hampshire Retirement System.  In order to receive your severance, you must provide a copy of your first retirement check.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Kristi's Krew Blood Drive

Vacancies on the Board of Directors

The following positions are vacant on the Board of Directors. Vacancies are either a one or two year term (see date next to each position for when the term expires). The Board of Directors meetings monthly to discuss Union related issues, actions, and other business as needed. Board members also help disseminate information from the Union Office, meet with administration for questions about contracts, and assist members with questions, concerns and when meeting with administration. Members of the Board Directors are supported by the Grievance Chairs and the Executive Board. If you have any questions, or are interested in one of the vacant positions, please contact Adam (president@nashuatu.org). 

Nashua High North

Teacher Representative (2024)

Amherst Street

Teacher Representative (2024)

Dr. Crisp

Paraeducator Representative (2024)

Franklin Street

Teacher Representative (2025)

Paraeducator Representative (2024)

Main Dunstable

Paraeducator Representative (2024)

New Searles

Teacher Representative (2025)

Title 1

One (1) Unit Representative (2024)

Food Service

One (1) Unit Representative (2025)


One (1) Unit Representative (2024)

One (1) Unit Representative (2025)

Have an idea for the Just for Fun section?  Send it to Adam (president@nashuatu.org).

Pasta, Pasta, Pasta!!!

Lots of pasta! Yay!

Favorite Types of Pasta

Dad Joke of the Week

What time is it when little white flakes fall outside the classroom window? 

Snow and Tell

Just for Fun

I am a coffee drinker. I wasn't able to drink coffee for a few days in November, and had the worst headache. I drink at least three cups a day - black!!! No cream or sugar for me. What's your drink of choice in the morning?

For the NTU calendar, click here

For the BOE calendar, click here

For the BOE agendas and minutes, click here

Upcoming Events 

Questions? Comments? Need Assistance?  Contact a member of the Executive Board

Trying to email Adam? Make sure to use president@nashuatu.org