Kindergarten Art

What will your child learn in art this year?

In art, students will explore the artistic process by developing craft (art tools, art materials, and art practices), engaging and persisting, envisioning, expressing, observing, reflecting, stretching and exploring, and understanding art worlds.

Kindergarten students will explore and use the following materials: tempera and watercolor paints, markers, pencils, pastels, chalk, earthenware clay, model magic, stamps, and more.

Kindergarten students will explore and demonstrate the following techniques/styles: self-portraiture, abstract design, observational drawing, printmaking, collage, ceramic building (pinching, slab, hand-building), and more.

How will your child be assessed in art this year?

Kindergarten students will receive ongoing feedback during each art project to assist them in meeting learning targets for that project. During the second and third trimester, kindergartners receive feedback in art on the Kindergarten Report Card (M = meeting expectations, P = progressing toward expectations, N = needs improvement). The feedback is based on the projects completed during that trimester and is not cumulative.

When is the artshow?

The ”Kinder-Garden” Artshow will take place in May as a part of the graduation celebration. More information will be provided in the spring. Additionally, classes are selected throughout the year to have their art on display in the hallway. When a class is selected for display in the hallway, a note is sent home with a link to view the artwork on display.

Examples of Kindergarten Projects

Kandinsky Inspired Abstract Design

Realistic Sunflower Drawing Inspired by Vincent van Gogh

Gustav Klimt Inspired Tree

George Rodrigue Inspired Blue Dog

Roll-and-Draw Imaginary Animals

Ceramic Pinch Pots

Ted Harrison Inspired Landscape

Romero Britto Inspired Heart Prints

2D/3D Snowmen

Heather Galler inspired Landscape

Paul Klee Inspired Buildings

Odili Donald Oditya Color Study

Paul Klee Name Abstract Design

Sandra Silberzweig Inspired Fish

Ceramic Butterfly

Beginning and End of the Year Self-Portraits