Mrs. Meteyer

Welcome to Mrs. Meteyer's Third Grade Webpage!  I hope that everyone is enjoying their summer!  Information will be updated on my page as it becomes available.

My contact information:

Phone:  585-374-7950

Enjoy your summer!  I am looking forward to my new class in the fall!

Our 2023-2024 Schedule:

Monday: Art Tech with Mrs. Castle (First Trimester) and Music with Mrs. Austin 

Tuesday: PE with Mr. Gleichauf and Mr. Birdsall (Sneakers!)

Wednesday:  Media Center with Mrs. Pulver (Return books!)  

Thursday: PE with Mr. Gleichauf and Mr. Birdsall (Sneakers!) and STEAM with Mrs. Dormer

Friday: Art with Mrs. Castle and PE with Mr. Gleichauf and Mr. Birdsall (Sneakers!)

Mrs. Meteyer's Weekly Newsletter will be back September 6, 2024!  See you then!