Entertain Us!

On the first night we will be captivated by yer entertaining shenanigans to include:

Torch light tourney fer ye light fighters

An ante up booty brawl from ye heavy fighting knaves

During the second day's entertainment there shall be:

Come take yer chance at fame and fortune with pirate games of chance!

A treasure hunt for all to enjoy. Come find are treasure if ye dare!

Shoot ridiculously small arrows from tiny bows!

Sing to us songs and shanties of the sea and tell us tales of great pirate deeds by the firelight!

Ye shall dance for us with drums beating long into the night by holding fer us a hafla!

Meet and greet with the Pirates of the Dark Horse at the Ship's bar! Grab a mug of the ships grog or surgeon's tonic, to keep the scurvy away, donations gladly accepted!

Come by and watch two pirates duel it out in a mighty pun battle! His Beardship Lord Captain Savage will face off against Master Gunner the Pun Father Little Beard Yancy Alfsson!