Health Care Pathway

Wisconsin employs more than 230,000 health professionals, a workforce known for being highly skilled and committed to helping advance the health of its communities. The healthcare industry supports a diverse array of professions, from direct patient care and health information management to working in a laboratory or maintaining the safety of the healthcare environment. Career pathways in health care afford tremendous opportunities for job placement, good wages and benefits, and advancement. Career pathways can help students identify areas of interest within the industry and support them in developing the knowledge and skills necessary for employment. Jobs in the healthcare sector can be found in therapeutic services; diagnostic services; health information; support services and biotechnology research and development.

It's a pivotal time in Wisconsin, across the nation, and throughout the world as healthcare shortages are on the rise. The high need is due to many factors. From the aging population resulting in more healthcare demand and retirements, to the strain on the workforce and competition among employers for a shrinking pool of workers. Retaining current employees, developing new approaches to barriers, leveraging technology, attracting new talent, and making healthcare career pathways more visible and accessible will help support the growing demand.

Working in the healthcare field has its challenges but also holds inspiring advancements and boasts a meaningful, service-minded passion that fuels making a difference in the lives of others. Be a part of this exciting industry!

(Sources: Job Center of Wisconsin and the Wisconsin Hospital Association)

The Project Goals

The Wisconsin Regional Careers Pathways Project goals are to increase the number of students that complete career pathways tied to high-skill, high demand jobs and to transform the way we design and deliver the pathway programs for our students to ensure they are ready for life after high school.

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