Adult Apprenticeships

Bridging YA to RA

The Youth Apprenticeship (YA) to Registered Apprenticeship (RA) Bridge program is a great way for employers to create a talent pipeline from high school youth apprentices into skilled and credentialed journey workers.

The YA to RA Bridge encourages employers to offer a registered apprenticeship to qualifying youth apprentices as the youth graduates from high school.

Employers interview and hire the former youth apprentice into a registered apprenticeship as appropriate and apply some of the hours of related instruction, on-the-job training or both gained through the youth apprenticeship toward the registered apprenticeship.

Adult Apprenticeships

Apprenticeship is post-secondary education like a college or university. But there's a big difference. Apprentices learn only a portion of their skills in a traditional classroom. They receive most of their training on-the-job, while working for an employer who pays a good wage. 

The employment is the primary requirement for an apprenticeship - a job must exist in order for the apprentice to be trained. The classroom instruction is usually provided through the Wisconsin Technical College system. 

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