5th Newsletter

General Announcements:

Storyline: #Selfless: seeking to be selfless in a selfie world

Mrs. Vanden Hull's Deep Hope: We will experience Christ's overwhelming selflessness and be selfless.

Mrs. Van Ravenswaay's Deep Hope: As we learn about the world, we will recognize the needs of others and respond by sharing Christ's love.

Mrs. De Groot's Deep Hope: That we will each recognize and learn to use our unique God-given gifts and abilities to serve God and others.

Important Dates:

  • May 20 Storyline Celebration - drop off your children at the BJ Haan auditorium in the morning for practice, students wear their green storyline shirts and jeans to the program in the evening
  • May 24 Last Day of School - 11:05 Dismissal

Classroom Books: Also, please be on the look out at home for any books that might be from our 5th grade classrooms libraries. They should have markings on the inside cover. Thank you!

Just a reminder as the weather warms up - be sure that the shirts remain long enough if you choose to wear leggings.

Mrs. Van Ravenswaay

May 20 - 24

Social Studies:

Essential question:

How does God work through events in history to shape people?

Learning Targets:

  • I can describe conflicts and struggles that our nation has endured.

The students have been working in groups to research and create a presentation. This week they will share about a major event from our country's more recent history.


6th grade: We are at the point of sharing many of our movies. Be sure to ask your child to show you their movie.

5th grade: Our work now centers around creating projects to enhance our subject matter learning.

The learning targets of this week include:

  • I can demonstrate growth in typing speed and accuracy.
  • I can create a video about some part of our school.

Mrs. De Groot

Week of May 20-24


We will wrap up this year in math by looking at how to find the volume of prisms. The students will be challenged to figure out which measure (area, perimeter, surface area, or volume) is needed to solve various problems.


Our study of matter has been very hand-on for the 5th graders. I hope they have been telling you the things they have been experiencing and discovering. We will finish up by seeing if they can make some objects both able to sink and float (not at the same time), can tell the difference between physical changes in matter and chemical changes in matter, and can test the acidity or alkaline of substances.

Mrs. Vanden Hull

May 13-17

Writing: Fantasy

Essential Questions:

How can I use my imagination to grow closer with my creative God?

Learning Target:

  • I can create imaginative well-written fantasy writing.

Students will work on self and peer editing.


In this fantasy unit we will be reading the novel Tuck Everlasting. We will analyze fantasy writing, characters, figurative language, and vocabulary.

Essential Question:

How can I use my imagination to grow closer with my creative God?

Weekly Learning Targets:

  • I can notice and analyze figurative language.

***Trailblazer Time***

Trailblazer Time is a reading intervention time for all students. Our deep hope for trailblazer time is that the students will grow in their love for reading and become better readers.