Topics, lessons and looms


B16- Adaptation, Interdependence & Competition

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Students will learn about the importance of communities and factors that affect communities. They will be able to measure the distribution and abundance of organisms and describe competition in animals and plants. Students will be able to describe how animals and plants are adapted to survive. 

B1- Cell Biology

Students will learn the similarities & differences between prokaryotic & eukaryotic cells along with specialisation in both animal & plant cells. Students will be able to describe what can be seen under electron microscopes and how to carry out magnification calculations. They will be able to explain the process of osmosis, diffusion and active transport & the adaptations of organisms for exchanging materials, including surface area to volume calculations. 

Cell Division

Organisation & the Digestive System

Students will be learn how cells are organised into tissues and tissues form organs. They will learn the structures involved in human digestion and how these are adapted. They will also learn how the digestive system works, including the role of enzymes, stomach acid and bile. 


C1-Atomic Structure

Students will learn about the history of the atom, evidence that supports the current model of the atom. They will learn the sub atomic particles within the atom, their charges and how to deduce the number of each of these particles. They will learn how to represent the electronic structure of an atom and ion and how to explain separation techniques. 

C2-The Periodic Table

Students will learn about the history and development of the periodic table. They will be able to link electronic structures to the periodic table and explain the trend in reactivity of the alkali metals and halogens. Students will be able to state the properties of the transition elements. 

C3-Structure & Bonding

Students will be able to explain how atoms form ions and that melting and boiling point is dependant of the nature of particles and the forces between them. Students will learn about ionic, covalent and metallic substances and how the structure and bonding of substances is linked to their properties. Students will learn about nanoparticles and their current and potential application.


P1-Energy Resources

Students will learn about how energy demands are met and the fuels used to generate electricity. They will learn about how wind, water, the sun and Earth can be used to generate electricity and the impact of different fuels on the environment. 

P1b-Energy Transfer by Heating

Students will learn how energy is transferred and infrared radiation. They will learn how to reduce the rate of energy transfer, especially in the home and how to calculate specific heat capacity. Students will be able to discuss the ways in which homes are heated. 

P3- Molecules & Matter

Students will learn about the properties of the states of matter and what is meant by melting and boiling point. They will learn about internal energy and specific latent heat. Students will be able to explain how gases create pressure and how pressure changes the volume of a gas. Students will be able to complete pressure equations. 

P4-Atomic structure

Students will learn about the structure of the atom and sub-atomic particles. They will learn how an unstable nucleus changes when it emits radiation and why the radiation it emits is harmful.  Students will learn about nuclear fission and nuclear fusion