Ettinger Express

"What will we learn about this week?"

I will be adding events and dates to the newsfeed on Google Classroom. The Reading Newsletter and spelling words can be found in your child's homework folder.

Hello everyone and Happy 2022! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and a relaxing and healthy break. We will be returning back to business when we return this week. This week we will begin our next story. Our spelling test should be next Tuesday. Please see your child’s homework folder for the newsletter of skills. In math, we will begin module 4 on repeated addition.

ENCORE Schedule

Monday Library

Tuesday Physical Ed

Wednesday None

Thursday. Art

Friday Music

Next week:

Next Monday. None

Next Tuesday Library


At the bottom of this email, you will find a Mark Your Calendars section where I will print upcoming dates.

The menu for this week was sent on Dojo.

Tomorrow is Numbers Day if you are interested. Dress in clothing with numbers on it if participating.

Thank you to everyone who sent in treats for our holiday celebration. If you were absent that day, your items are bagged and on your desk to take home.

When entering the classroom, I switched seats around before I left for the holiday break. Please look for the name tag on the front of your desk. I will be switching lunch seats as well.

Please make sure that you return your child's chrome book back to school charged on Monday. Don't forget a snack and water bottle as well.

As the weather gets colder, please make sure your child is dressed to go outside including a warm coat. We try to go outside every day to stretch our legs and get fresh air. Our recess is earlier in the day, so it can sometimes be chilly even if they are calling for warmer temperatures later in the day.

I sent home Pizza Hut Book It papers. The requirements were listed. If interested, the kids are to read 250 minutes in the month. . It is due back January 3, 2022. Make sure it is signed at the bottom. Thank you!

If you are sending in a birthday treat for your child, if you could let me know two days in advance so I can plan accordingly I would appreciate it. Thank you!

Mark Your Calendars

January 3 Schools open

December Book It due if interested

Number Day! Let’s celebrate a new year by wearing something with a number!

January 17 Schools Closed Martin Luther King Holiday–Teacher In-Service Day

January 21 Backwards/Inside-Out Day!

January 21 End of the 2nd Marking Period

PLEASE send in a note if your child is parent pick up. I want to make sure everyone gets to the correct spot safely. Thank you!

Please sign up for Class Dojo It is a free text service. I will have longer and better explanations of things on my web page. or group email.

We will be using clever again this year on our chrome books. If you need a refresher, here is a video.

Video for Help Getting on Clever

Pencil boxes daily should have inside:

Box of 24 Crayola Crayons

glue stick


3-5 sharpened pencils

colored highlighters


dry erase marker

Please keep the rest of the supplies at home to refill as needed.

If wearing a mask, please bring a spare one in your backpack if possible.

Students will have a QR code on the back of their folder. We will use this to access Clever. This is a program that stores all of our passwords. Please keep the hundreds chart and name page in the front and back of the homework folder.

Each day students are to bring to school:

homework folder

Water Bottle

I will discuss and add additional items after Meet the Teacher night. Currently, I do not know if chrome books are coming home or if we will be having snack. As I learn the answers, I will update the information here.

Additional Information:

  • If you are picking your child up from school, please make sure you send a note or contact the office by phone.

  • Excuse notes should be sent back to school following your child's absence to make the excuse legal.

  • We do go outside most days for recess. Please make sure your child has a warm coat, hat, gloves, etc. over the winter months. It gets very chilly on our playground.

  • Be sure your child eats a good breakfast before school since we do not eat lunch at 12:45. You may sent in a small, healthy snack daily to enjoy. Water bottles are welcome and should be filled with water or clear liquids only.

  • Clever badges have been sent home for our at school programs. I encourage you to visit these sites.

  • If you haven't joined Remind, I highly suggest that you consider doing so. It is a free text and email service that I use frequently to update you with important information and schedule changes.

  • If you haven't joined the PTO, please consider doing so. They provide us with funds for field trips, assembly programs, and so much more!