

Teacher: Ms. Wilson

Classroom: C203

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Full Bell Schedule

Conference Request:

Mon - Wed 9:00-9:50AM

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Course Information

The main emphasis of this course is to meet and exceed the Next Generation Science Standards for Biology. The curriculum incorporates challenging and rigorous course work designed to develop and improve critical and creative thinking skills. These goals will be accomplished through several laboratory investigations, homework, group collaboration, independent study, and research assignments. For a more in-depth look at the California State Content Standards, please visit the California Department of Education website at For the complete Next Generation Science Standards, please visit

Recommended Materials

  1. Personal laptop with internet access

  2. A binder with a section/tab for Biology and notebook paper

  3. Pens (blue or black)

  4. Pencil, sharpener, eraser

  5. Colored pencils, pens, highlighters, etc...

  6. Agenda for tracking assignments (provided by school)

  7. Composition Book (provided in class)

  8. Occasional lab supplies (discussed in class)

Topics Covered

Fall Biology units include;

    1. Class Introduction/Nature of Science (SEP LT5 & 6)

    2. Macromolecules (DCI LT1) (SEP LT1)

    3. Cell structure and function (DCI LT2) (SEPLT3)

    4. Cell Energy (DCI LT3) (SEP LT2 & 6)

    5. Homeostasis and Cancer (DCI LT4) (SEP LT4 & 8)

Spring Biology Units Include;

    1. Genetics (DCI LT5) (SEP LT6)

    2. Gene Expression (DCI LT6)

    3. Evolution (DCI LT7) (SEP LT7)

    4. Ecology (DCI LT8)


This class uses an equitable approach to grading. Student understanding of learning targets will determine their grade. It is a growth mindset approach where students can keep working on assignments until they have mastered them to the level they feel comfortable with. The proficiency scale below is used to determine student grades in class. The purpose of mastery learning is to provide students with autonomy over their work and use feedback to increase their proficiency levels on assignments.

Benefits of the Mastery grading

  • Prevent skill gaps by allowing students multiple chances to demonstrate understanding

  • Builds student confidence in understanding by focusing work on feedback/ improvement cycles

  • Prepares students for the real world by allowing them to get feedback and revise until they are satisfied with their product.

Learning Targets

Based on Disciplinary Core Ideas - (DCI Rubrics)

  • DCI LT1: I can describe how macromolecules are created and broken down in my body through different types of chemical reactions. (NGSS LS 1.6)

  • DCI LT2: I can describe how cells function and interact with other cells to create larger systems and structures in multicellular organisms. (NGSS LS 1.2)

  • DCI LT3: I can explain how energy enters a system and is converted by living things to allow for life processes to occur. (NGSS LS 1.7, 2.3 and 2.5)

  • DCI LT4: I can describe and provide examples of the role of homeostasis in living things; Focus is on cell division, body system interactions and what happens when homeostasis fails. (NGSS LS 1.2, 1.3, 1.4)

  • DCI LT5: I can explain and show mathematically how traits are inherited within a population and the impact that has on genetic variation. (NGSS LS 3.1, 3.2 and 3.3)

  • DCI LT6: I can use the tools of Biotechnology to understand and work towards a treatment for Diabetes by transferring DNA into bacteria and generating a protein for manufacturing. (NGSS LS 1.1, 3.1 and ETS 1.1)

  • DCI LT7: I can explain how natural selection affects evolution and can lead to changes in allele frequency in a population over time. (NGSS LS 2.8, 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5)

  • DCI LT8: I can create and describe an ecosystem model that includes various components (abiotic, biotic, human impacts, etc...) and processes going on within the system. (NGSS LS 2.1, 2.2, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 4.6, ESS 1.5, 1.6, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 3.1, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 ETS 1.4)

Based on Science and Engineering Practices - (SEP Rubrics)

  • SEP LT1: I can ask questions to fit various situations/needs and define problems

  • SEP LT2: I can create a model and use it to explain my understanding of a concept

  • SEP LT3: I can design and carry out a scientific investigation

  • SEP LT4: I can analyze and interpret data

  • SEP LT5: I can use mathematical thinking to explain scientific principles.

  • SEP LT6: I can write an explanation that includes evidence and scientific reasoning and design solutions to problems

  • SEP LT7: I can make a scientific argument using evidence

  • SEP LT8: I can obtain, evaluate and communicate scientific information

How learning targets are graded

Determining student proficiency on each assignment is based on the small scale goals for that unit. Each small scale goal is either met (shows "I can" on the grade), in need of work ("needs work" grades include feedback for students) or Missing (has not been submitted). The number of "I can" grades received determines overall grade.

Work Habits

  • Come prepared to class

  • Turn in work on time

Practice assignments for learning targets in gradebook

Cooperation grade

  • JFK Tardy and Attendance policy

  • Classroom behavior, language, attitude and demeanor

Grade based on incidents of behavioral intervention

Grading Scale

  • Mostly E and nothing lower than S -Excellent (E grade)

  • Mostly S - Satisfactory (S Grade)

  • Mostly U - Unsatisfactory (U Grade)

Honor Code

Academic Dishonesty can take many forms. At Kennedy Medical Magnet, academic dishonesty often includes cheating and plagiarism. Cheating means acting dishonestly to try to gain an advantage. Any work you turn in must be your own, so copying anyone else's work is not allowed. You are also not allowed to use any unauthorized academic aids (cheat sheets/websites/cell phones) on quizzes or tests. Plagiarizing means taking the words from someone else and passing them off as your own. This means “copying” published texts, websites, references, or another student’s work and claiming credit for it as your own work.

Cheating and/or plagiarizing will result in no credit for the assignment, forfeiture (loss) of any bonus points, and a “U” for the quarter grading period. Two infractions of academic dishonesty will result in a possible “U” on the semester grade. Cheating on exams/quizzes receives no credit and a “U” on the semester grade.

In addition, anyone caught cheating/plagiarizing in the classroom will not receive a letter of recommendation for clubs, volunteering, scholarships, college, internships, etc...

Honor Code: I understand that the work I submit must be my own work, completed without the assistance of others, unauthorized aides, or plagiarism. I pledge academic honesty to my peers and the staff of John F. Kennedy High School Medical Magnet.

Content Appropriate Video

In some cases we will be showing content appropriate video that may include the following;

  • Short youtube videos that illustrate Biology concepts like the following; Link

  • Documentaries on Polio and other diseases (Including information on vaccines)