
  1. If child is absent from school, they must turn in an parental or doctor excuse within one week.

  2. Any missed work can be made up if an excused absence up to one week including tests, homework, and classwork.

  3. If you know your child will be absent for 3 days or more, please feel free to message us on Class Dojo or call the front office to request their missed work. You can then pick the work up in the front office at the end of the school day.

Daily Work / Homework

  1. Everyday, your child will have fluency and Spelling words 3 times each. Your child will also be given a study guide for Social Living as well as Math work.

  2. It is important for your child to do their homework nightly, and if it is done, they receive monthly and quarterly incentives for completing their assignments.

  3. Please check your child's weekly paper for assignments, changed test dates, and any important information.

Parent Information

  1. Every day, your child will need to check their weekly schedule. For the first few weeks, we will be going through this with your child daily then weekly to help them.

  2. Any work in your child's Puppy Folder must remain in their folder until we go through it after the test. On test days, we will go through the folder to throw away any information no longer needed.

  3. Your child will have 2 places to find all of their classroom needs: Our website and their puppy folder. If you feel you are missing any information such as study guides, weekly papers, or calendars, please feel free to message us on Class Dojo, SchoolStatus, or send a note in your child's folder.

4. Thanks for all you do:)