Student Protocols

Arrival Procedures

Students will enter through the Body Scanners and then scan their One Cards upon arrival, and then immediately report to their 1st block class.  Students needing breakfast, will pick up their breakfast from the carts located by the small gym and the auditorium, and take their breakfast to their 1st block class.  Students may enter the building through the front lobby and the student parking lot entrance in the back of the school.

Students arriving late to school, after 9:15am, should check-in at the attendance office before reporting to class. 

Bathroom Policies

Students should utilize the bathrooms during transitions.  Students are not allowed to leave their classrooms during the first 10 minutes or the last 10 minutes of the class to utilize the bathrooms. Students must have a pass to use the bathroom during class time.

Body Scanners

Body Scanners are installed at Southwest High school as the districts safety measures to provide safety at school sites starting the 2022-23 year. 

Every person entering our building will travel through the Body Scanner.

The body scanning system highlights and locates material that is deemed to be in question on our school grounds. 

If there is a ping from the body scanner, we want to provide dignity and privacy as allotted. The ping you redirect you to our threat resolution tables.

These tables are where an authorized person will assist you in identifying potential unlawful material. This may include searches and or seizures of items in and on your persons or possession. This step is to ensure we are providing a safe environment here at Southwest Guilford High School.

Body scanners are located in the main entrance of our building and near the student parking lot entrance. 

After scholars successfully traveling through our body scanning station, they will be directed through our one card identification station and then have access to our building. 

The goal is to provide this same level of safety for our sporting events and other school sponsored events in the near future.

Breakfast Procedures

Students will pick up their breakfast from the carts located by the small gym and the auditorium, and proceed directly to class.  Students will not eat breakfast in the cafeteria at this time.  Students may remove their masks while eating and drinking, and then must immediately replace their masks.  Students should be seated 6 feet apart while eating and should be facing the same direction.  Students should not eat in the hallways or other areas of the school. 

Cell Phones

Must be out of sight, silenced, and out of mind, during instructional timeSee Code of Conduct Rules 1.6 and 1.9.

Community Dress Standards

The schoolwide dress code, or Community Dress Standards, can be found here.

Bring Your Own Device Expectations

Guilford County Schools Acceptable Use Policy (Policy EFE-P) will be applied to student owned and school owned devices while students are on campus or at home learning. The Acceptable Use Policy is included in the Student and Personnel Handbooks. The following points will be emphasized to all students:

· There will be no abusive, hurtful, racially offensive, or harassing communication (oral or electronic) used at any time.

· Student use of devices and the network should not be to the detriment of others’ use of devices and the network. Everyone deserves to work and learn.

· Students using devices should have no expectations of privacy while on school grounds.

Student Device Use During Instructional Time

Students are expected to use their devices only at the discretion of the classroom teacher. Teachers will instruct when and how the devices should be used. Otherwise, student devices should be put away with other school materials. Unauthorized use of student devices, regardless of the owner, may result in the in the teacher’s confiscation of the device for the remainder of class, eliminating the possibility of full participation in class that day.

Student Devices and Class Preparedness

Students are expected to come to school with a charged, working device, either provided by the school or provided from their home. Student devices are expected to come to school daily with strong charges. The school may not have a place to charge the student’s device. Coming to school with an undercharged device is equal to coming to school without other school necessities and should hold the same consequences as other forms of unpreparedness. Extra devices may be available for students who have forgotten to bring fully charged devices, but their availability cannot be guaranteed.

Student owned devices are the responsibility of the student and his/her family regarding repair. GCS cannot provide repair services to privately owned devices.

Student owned devices that are stolen or purposefully damaged on campus will be treated as any other case of theft or vandalism on campus.

Class Transition Movement

Upon the end of class bell, the teacher will dismiss students.  Students should remain in their seats until dismissed. 

Counseling Services

School counselors are available to support students with their needs, counselors are designated to the following groups:

Mr. Schnaith Ivan- 9th grade

Ms. Bowman- Last names A-D

Ms. Moore- Last Names E-L

Ms. Williamson- Last Names M-R

Ms. Hudgens- Last Names S-Z

Dismissal Procedures

Students will dismiss by bell at the end of the day.  Students will not dismiss in a staggered pattern at this time.  Students should dismiss and exit the building at the end of the school day unless they are remaining on campus for supervised afterschool activities.  Students participating in arts, athletics, or clubs should report directly to their supervisor at dismissal.


Students may request a locker from their teacher at any time.  If a student requests a locker, contact Ms. Robinson (9th grade) or Mr. Blair (10th-12th grades) and they will provide the information to give to the student.

Lunch Procedures

Lunch schedules can be found here.

Lunch is no longer free for all students, families must request free or reduced lunch by completing this form.

One Cards

OneCard is the Guilford County Schools student identification and access card. One Card provides many functions including school attendance, identification, media center checkout, public library access, and more.  









At 9:00am students will enter the school building through the main entrance and the back entrance where student drivers will arrive.  Staff will supervise the One Card stations as students come through the line to swipe their One Cards. Additional staff will be utilized to help students socially distance in line.  Students will be expected to have their One Card on their lanyard ready to swipe as they approach the One Card stations.

All walkers, car riders and bus riders will utilize the main entrance.

Station 1 will be for Freshman Academy students to swipe their cards through the line. Students will grab their breakfast from the breakfast station and report to 1st Block class.

Station 2 will be for 10th-12th graders who have their One Cards ready to swipe through the line. Students will grab their breakfast from the breakfast station and report to 1st Block class.

Station 3 will be for students who do not have their One Card. They will receive a pass or a sticker to indicate they have been through the One Card station. Students will grab their breakfast from the breakfast station and report to 1st Block class.


All student drivers will enter the school building through the back entrance near the student parking lot. Staff will supervise the One Card stations as students come through the line to swipe their One Cards. Additional staff will be utilized to help students socially distance in line.  Students will be expected to have their One Card on their lanyard ready to swipe as they approach the One Card stations.

Station 1 & 2 will be for students who have their One Cards ready to swipe through the line. Students will grab their breakfast from the breakfast station and report to 1st Block class.

Station 3 will be for students who do not have their One Card. They will receive a pass or sticker to indicate they have been through the One Card Station. Students will grab their breakfast from the breakfast station and report to 1st Block class.


Students who are repeat offenders for not having their One Card in the mornings, will participate in a restorative practice session with selected staff to help them understand the expectation of bringing their One Card to school every day. Phone calls will be made to parents.

Parent Assistance with Canvas and PowerSchool

Please click here if a parent is need guidance in setting up a Parent Portal account. If you have any difficultly with this process, please have them e-mail Mrs.Cline at

This video has been used district wide to provide information regarding pairing student and parent accounts in Canvas so parents can access what is due, what has been submitted, graded, etc. You’ll see in the video that one of the key pieces is a pairing code that can only originate from the student account holder. Please share with parents.

Parking Permits

Click here for the parking permit application.  Parking passes are $50.00, and require proof of a valid driver's license.  

Student Handbook

Click here to view the 2023-24 Southwest Guilford High School Student Handbook.

Student Wifi Access

GCS guest accounts have been set up that will accommodate 250 devices. *These are for student devices* Remember – if you are using your own device, you can have two gcs guest accounts of your own. 

Here are the logistics:

 Username vhunt1 (that’s a number 1, not a lower case l)

Password: Hf335wpB (I know it’s crazy and random, but if I changed it, it is likely to be a bigger mess – bear with me)

 As more kids come on campus, New portals will be opened. It be wise for us to have consistent logins for students so they can save the info and log in easier subsequent times. This can be 9th grade log in for Cohort A and C

Students needing a laptop or Mifi?

Please feel free to share the links below to any students who inquire about internet access or devices.

 Mrs. Hunt will get back with them as soon as she can! 


Mobile Wifi

Transportation Needs

If students need transportation upon return to campus, please share this link. Students will not be allowed on the bus if they do not request this!