Student Wellness


SEL - Wellness

Would you like to build and personalize your child's Distance Learning schedule?

Time to get organized and learning!

Click here for a sample.

Are you curious about different ways to develop your child's brain and language?

Learning through talking!Click here to learn more.

Do you want different ideas to enhance your child's creativity in the arts?

Let's get creative and moving!

Click here for lots of artsy lessons.

Looking for social & emotional

support for your family? Click here!

Emergency Mental Health Contacts

911: Emergency, Police & Fire

CA Youth Crisis: (800) 843-5200

Teen Line: (800) 852-8336 • 6:00 -10:00 p.m.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: (800) 273-8255

Text “HELLO” to 741741

Contactos de emergencia para salud mental

911: emergencia, departamento de policía y bomberos

Crisis Juvenil California: (800) 843-5200

Línea directa para adolescentes: (800) 852-8336 de 6-10 pm.

Red nacional de prevención del suicidio: (800) 273-8255

Envía un mensaje de texto con la palabra ¨HELLO¨ al 741741

Non-Emergency Mental Health Contacts

NAMI OC Warm Line (Click here)

Call (877) 910-9276 Text (714) 991-6412

English, Spanish, Farci, & Vietnamese

Mon. - Fri. 9:00 a.m.-3:00 a.m.Sat. & Sun. 10:00 a.m. -3:00 a.m.

Care Solace (Click here)

Non-Emergency Social Emotional Referrals

(714) 485-9940 • Mon.-Fri. • 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

Contactos que no son de emergencia para la salud mental

Servicios de apoyo para la salud mental del condado de orange (NAMI OC Warmline, por su nombre en inglés).

Haga Clic Aqui

Llame al (877) 910-9276

Envie mensaje de texto al (714) 991-6412

Se habla inglés, vietnamita y farsi

De lunes a viernes 9:00-3:00 am.

Fines de semana 10:00–3:00 am.

Care Solace (por su nombre en inglés, ofrece servicios para salud metal) (Haga Clic Aqui)

Referencias para situaciones no de crisis socio-emcionales

(714) 485-9940 • De lunes a viernes de 9:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m.

For more social and emotional support information and activities, please scroll down to the middle of this page.

Para mayor apoyo socio-emocional, información y actividades, por favor diríjase al centro de esta página.

What kind of support can I give my child during these times ?

This informational video will help pair your parenting practices with your child's social and emotional development.

Click here to watch the video.

Who can I contact if I need support with my child's SEL and development?

Collaborative Learning Solutions has lots of resources and to support your child's social and emotional changes.

Click here to explore the resources.

Looking for activities your child to build his/her skills?

Apeture Education website has social and emotional learning activities to building SEL skills with your child.

Click here for the activities!

How do I help my child build resiliency and combat stress?

Collaborative Learning Solutions provide daily lessons to build skills to survive and thrive during this difficult time.

Click here for games ideas!

What do I talk to my child regarding Coronavirus ?

National Association of School Psychologist's website is filled with tips to reassure children during these changing times.

Click here to visit the website.

How can we be confident and positive during these times?

This site provides suggestions of books, media, organizations, and partnerships to actively support children's social and emotional development.

Click here for more information.

How Google Translate can help