
Queer + Coachella 

As I began to get more involved in the community and opened myself to meet new people I was introduced to the Queer+ project in the Coachella Musical Festival. The Queer+ mission is to archive, celebrate and empower the BIPOC LGBTQ+ community at Coachella. The Queer+ empowerment Q+amp is bringing together a select group of participants who wouldn’t have otherwise had the opportunity to attend the festival, for a unique, most expenses paid, opportunity to Archive, Celebrate & Empower their experiences at the festival. I applied and was extremely surprised when I got a call to set up an interview. 

Interview Outfit !

The interview was very nerve-wrecking. There was two important parts of the interview. One part was talking about a social cause you are most passionate about. The second part was creating an outfit that best represents you and shows off your uniqueness. I decided to talk about the lack of resources within the LGBTQ+ youth. I introduced my project. I decided to create an outfit based on the colors of the transgender flag. It was amazing and truly got me out my comfort zone. I have never felt more confident in myself. It was great to hear a couple days later that I was #1 of the 360 recipients and I was selected to be apart of the amazing program. I have gotten to meet the other participants I will be sharing a space with. I will be attending the festival 4/13 - 4/17!!!

  Safe Schools Desert Cities Burton/May Pride Scholarship

Picture showing my award and rope side by side with my amazing mom and sister!

The experiences and leadership opportunities that creating this project and connecting with the club earned me this amazing scholarship. The Safe Schools Scholarship Burton/May Pride Award recognizes outstanding lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning or intersex (LGBTQI) youth who, through their participation, dedication and initiative, have helped foster a positive self-image among other LGBTQI+ youth. It was an honor to receive this award and even a rope to wear at my high school graduation next month. None of this would have been possible without my determination to create my project.