Career Portfolio Resources

Career Portfolio Criteria

Organizing Your Career Portfolio

Sharing Your Portfolio

Using the Share setting in Google, make sure ALL of your links are viewable to ANYONE with the link.  

Upon completion, send the shareable presentation link to your counselor or teacher.  

To test this, send it to someone (outside of school) to see if they can view all of your portfolio links.  

Career Portfolio Templates

Below are several links to templates for you to get started.  If you see a template you like, you can make a copy of a Google Slides document in your My Drive.  Contest participants are encouraged to edit the template and customize it with their own portfolio contents & images.  Students may also choose their own Google Slides or Canva design for their portfolio.  

Portfolio Contest Judging

The portfolios from each school will be judged by a 3-member committee comprised of local education, business, and community leaders.  The judges will be provided information in advance about the Career Portfolios.  Judges will evaluate the portfolios using a score sheet.  Following the competition, participants will receive comments from judges.  

For more information, please contact Lisa-Marie Reinhart at (740) 201-3218 or