Portfolio Contents

Components of a Career Portfolio:

A Career Portfolio should include a combination of the following:

    • Introductory Letter written by the student describing the portfolio and how it relates to his/her future.
    • Table of Contents of student’s work items contained in the career portfolio.
    • Career Readiness Materials- Choose a minimum combination of 4 items that best showcase your strengths.
        • Career Plan/ Career Narrative
        • Resume
        • Summary of strengths with narrative examples
        • College application essay(s)
        • Letters of recommendation
        • Evidence of mentorship or work-based learning with career professionals
        • Evidence of career presentation (science fair, art gallery, Capstone Project presentation)
        • Awards, certifications, credentials
        • Evidence of volunteer work/community service
        • Evidence of leadership activities (student or community organizations)
        • Video, photographic, or audio demonstrations of work (may include: Performance Auditions, Art Portfolios, or Athletic videos)
  • Format- Organization is everything! Students are encouraged to organize their Career Portfolio in a Google Slides presentation format. Please see Resources tab for more details.

For more information, please contact Lisa-Marie Reinhart at (740) 201-3218 or reinhartl@delawareareacc.org.