Q & A

Top 10 Most Asked Questions by Students at CPMS

Q: Why can’t we have cargo pants? 

A: You could put phones and other distracting devices and things in your pockets.

Q: Why is there so much homework?

A: We are getting you ready for high school/college and are making you a stronger student.

Q: Why can’t we have phones during breaks?

A: Phones need to stay away because you need to focus on your education and they take a long time to turn off.  We also want students to interact and socialize with each other (and not with their phones)

Q: Why can’t we have candy?

A: There would be wrappers everywhere and we want you to stay happy and healthy at a clean school.

Q: Why can’t we look outside the windows during dismissal? 

A: We want you to be able to hear your name when you get picked up and we don’t want any overcrowding.

Q: Why can”t we have crocs for P.E.?

A: You could trip, fall, and even get hurt.

Q: Why do we have uniforms?

A: We want you to have the mindset of working so you should wear your “work clothes”.

Q: Why can't we share food? (We know our allergies)

A: Sometimes, food has hidden ingredients you can't see or taste, resulting in an allergic reaction if you were/are allergic.

Q: Why do we have S.E.L.?

A: In most jobs you need to learn how to work with others so S.E.L. is here to teach you that.

Q: Why do we have bathroom windows (specified times to go to the bathroom)?

A: We do not want to overcrowd the bathrooms.