Artificial Intelligence


Generative Artificial intelligence (GenAI) presents a very different type of learning tool. With its ability to process media (text and images) and generate detailed text/image outputs drawing from the breadth of the internet, it provides a unique opportunity for humans to collaborate with an artificial cognitive agent. While genAI has its limitations (i.e., algorithmic bias, hallucination), AI is already integrated into our (and students') daily lives. GenAI is also a tool students will need to use in their careers. But exactly "how" to integrate this type of tool into our learning ecology is tricky! Probably because we are all (educators and students) trying to understand exactly what this means for teaching and learning. GenAI does provide a tool that can help humans enhance efficiency and free up mental energy to engage in deep reflective and self-directed learning. However, we need space to experiment with ways to engage students in instructional approaches that support them in using AI ethically as a metacognitive learning tool. GenAI projects should focus on ways to leverage AI to engage students in critical thinking and reflective (metacognitive) learning. 


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Prerequisite Skills

We want this to be an enjoyable creative project. This is an ideal tool for you if, you: