Time off, Leaves, and Absences

 The District offers employees paid and unpaid leaves of absence in times of personal need. The handbook describes the basic types of leave available and restrictions on leaves of absence. 

Employees who expect to be absent for an extended period of more than five days should call Human Resources for information about applicable leave benefits, payment of insurance premiums, and requirements for communicating with the District. 

Personal and local sick leave is earned on an annual basis. Leave is available for the employee’s use at the beginning of the scheduled work calendar. If an employee leaves the District before the end of the work year, the cost of any unearned leave days shall be deducted from the employee's final paycheck. Paid leave must be used in ½ day increments.

 Earned comp time must be used before any available paid state and local leave. Unless an employee requests a different order, available paid state and local leave will be used in the following order: 1. Local personal leave 2. State sick leave accumulated prior to the 1995-96 school year 3. State personal leave. Employees must use paid leave for an absence.

 Employees do not have the option to be docked instead of using paid leave unless it is an absence related to workers comp. Any unapproved absences or absences beyond accumulated or available paid leave shall result in deduction from the employee’s pay. Employees must follow District and department or campus procedures to report or request any leave of absence and complete the appropriate leave request form.