Sahan Ranwala
Sri Lankan Folk Artist
Lawyer | Managing Director | Actor
Musician | Choreographer |
Presenter | Performing Artist
Full Name - Sahan Ranwala
Date of Birth - July 03, 1978
Sri Lanka - Sri Lanka
HomeTown - Thalawathugoda
Primary Education - Asoka Vidyalaya, Maradana.
Secondary Education - Ananda College, Colombo 10.
Higher Education - Degree in Business Management, University of Colombo.
- Completed Mass Media studies, University of Sri Jayewardenepura.
- Post Graduate in Buddhist Studies, University of Kelaniya.
- Master's Degree in Drama and the Theatre, University of Kelaniya.
- Attorney - at - Law in Supreme Court of Sri Lanka.
Career Highlights:
Achieved the "All Island first place" in the Statistics examination administered by the Association of Accounting Technicians Sri Lanka.
Led Ranwala Foundation, winning accolades including the "Best Performing Folk Song Troupe" at the Folk Songs Festival in Guangxi, China (2011).
Started as an announcer on Sirasa TV, ventured into acting with notable roles in TV series such as "Ranga Madala Samuganee" and "Paba".
Recognized for his talent in dramas, notably reaching the finals of the State Drama Festival with "Velava Keeyada".
Established Ranwala Lama Balakaya, a platform for child artists; launched educational initiatives like "Lanka e-school".
Started film career with "Aadaraneeya Wassaanaya" (2004) and continued with appearances in various productions.
Nominated for the Sumathi Award for Best Emerging Actor in 2003 for his role in the teledrama "Ranga Madala Samugani".
Family Background:
Renowned Sri Lankan folk music artist, Mr. Lional Ranwala, is the esteemed father of Sahan while Mrs. Dingirimanika Ranwala, a distinguished individual, holds the role of his mother.
In matrimony with Mrs. Melani Ranwala, they are blessed with a son named Seth Ranwala.
Sahan's elder brother, Mr. Chirantha Ranwala, has carved his own path in the entertainment industry as a distinguished television announcer and actor.
Notable Events:
Organized musical programs such as "Gayamu" and presentations like "Jana Gee Ekassa" and "Dekassa" for children.
Hosted folk musical shows like "Ran Salakuna, දේශීයත්වය සහ නවීනත්වය" at prestigious venues like Kularatne Hall, Ananda College.
Current Engagement:
Hosts the children's program "Puduma Iskole".
Sahan Ranwala's career embodies a dedication to preserving cultural heritage while innovating and inspiring the next generation of artists in Sri Lanka.
Sahan Ranwala is also known for his philanthropic efforts. He has been involved in charitable activities, including donating funds for the construction of a library and providing scholarships to underprivileged students.