How To Use MobileServe

How To Submit Hours

  1. Click the "log hours" button.

  2. Select the date.

  3. Enter the number of hours.

  4. Enter the name of the organization within the service org box.

  5. Using the category box select "LTS".

  6. Describe the experience in the "Tell Your Story" box.

  7. Answer the question provided in the box "Your Response To The Question Above".

  8. Select "Next" to proceed to the next page.

  9. Here you will have to verify what you did. You must enter the Supervisor name, their email, and optionally a couple photos.

How To Use Friends List

  1. Click on the "Friends" menu

  2. Click “Find Friends”

  3. Choose “On MobileServe”

  4. Search for the user.

  5. If you found the user click "add friend" left to the selection or go into their profile and then add them from the "add friend" button in the top left

  6. From here you can click on their name to see how many hours they have and see photos of their service should they upload them.

How To Find Opportunities Via MobileServe

  1. Proceed to "Opportunities" tab.

  2. Select "Discover" (you can see what you have selected and what you have been invited to do in the other tabs).

  3. Select "Search".

  4. Put into City "Waterford, CT, USA".

  5. Search for opportunities.

  6. Select one and click "I want to help".

How To See Your Service Resume

  1. Click on "Service Resume" from the selection on the left.

  2. Select what class to use.

  3. Select the category of what hours to include (if applicable) Ex: Capstone, LTS.

  4. Set the time frame of what hours to include.

  5. Select Resume.

MobileServe Slideshow Crash Course

Create an account on the MobileServe App (3).pdf